Dundas.BI.Entities.Views Namespace

Public classActionBase
Represents a base dashboard action.
Public classAdapter
Represents an adapter.
Public classAlignedAxis
Represents an alignment between two data alignable items within adapters.
Public classBasicAdapter
Represents the base adapter.
Public classBinding
Represents a binding.
Public classBrush
Represents a base brush.
Public classChangeLayerAction
Represents a change layer action.
Public classDashboard
Represents a dashboard.
Public classDataAction
The base class used for actions which are triggered due to a data related event.
Public classDataInputAction
Represents a data input action.
Public classDefaultViewParameterValue
Represents a default view parameter value.
Public classDrillDownAction
Represents a drill-down action.
Public classElementParameterLink
A binding link is between a view parameter and an analysis element's parameter on a metric set.
Public classExpandCollapseAction
Represents a filter action.
Public classFilterAction
Represents a filter action.
Public classGradientBrush
Represents a gradient brush.
Public classGradientStop
Represents a gradient stop for a GradientBrush.
Public classGroupingElement
Represents a hierarchy, hierarchy level, or data element to be used for grouping.
Public classGroupingHierarchy
Represents a hierarchy, hierarchy level, or data element to be used for grouping.
Public classGroupingMeasure
Represents a hierarchy, hierarchy level, or data element to be used for grouping.
Public classHatchingBrush
Represents a hatched pattern brush.
Public classImageBrush
Represents an image brush.
Public classLayer
Represents a template cell adapter.
Public classLinearGradientBrush
Represents a linear gradient brush.
Public classMetricSetBinding
Represents a binding.
Public classMetricSetBindingOverride
Represents a metric set binding override.
Public classNavigateAction
Represents a navigate action.
Public classParameterMapping
Holds a parameter mapping.
Public classParameterMappingItem
Holds the information for a parameter source/target item.
Public classPopupAction
Represents a popup action.
Public classRadialGradientBrush
Represents a radial gradient brush.
Public classRepeaterGroup
A group in a repeating view such as a report, scorecard, or small multiple.
Public classRepeaterModel
Represents the model for a repeating view.
Public classReport
Represents a report.
Public classReportGroup
Represents a group in a report model.
Public classReportModel
Represents the model for a report.
Public classScorecard
Represents a scorecard.
Public classScorecardGroup
Represents a group in a scorecard model.
Public classScorecardModel
Represents the model for a scorecard.
Public classScriptAction
Represents a script action.
Public classSeparatorLine
Represents a regularly occurring line used to make group items easier to see.
Public classSmallMultiple
Represents a small multiple.
Public classSmallMultipleGroup
Represents a group in a small multiple model.
Public classSmallMultipleModel
Represents the model for a small multiple.
Public classSolidColorBrush
Represents a solid color brush.
Public classStroke
Represents an SVG stroke property object.
Public classTableOfContentsEntryProperties
Represents a table of contents entry properties.
Public classTableOfContentsEntryStyle
Represents a table of contents entry style.
Public classTableOfContentsProperties
Represents the table of contents properties.
Public classTemplate
Represents a template containing controls that can be created.
Public classTemplateCell
Represents a template cell adapter.
Public classToggleTemplateCellAction
Represents a toggle (expand / collapse) template cell action.
Public classView
Represents the common base of a view (e.g. a Dashboard, Report, Scorecard, Small Multiple).
Public classViewOverrides
Represents view overrides.
Public classViewParameter
Represents a view parameter.
Public interfaceIRepeaterView
Interface for repeating views such as reports, scorecards, and small multiples.
Public interfaceIViewService
Interface for service providing functionality for getting and saving View objects.
Public enumerationActionTarget
The type the target of the action is.
Public enumerationActionType
The type the action is.
Public enumerationBrushType
The type the brush is.
Public enumerationDataActionNavigateType
The type the data action's navigation is.
Public enumerationDockLocation
The dock location for the adapter.
Public enumerationImageBrushRepeat
How the image brush will repeat.
Public enumerationImageBrushSize
How the image brush will size itself.
Public enumerationPositionKind
The position kind for the adapter.
Public enumerationRepeaterPaletteType
Specifies the possible methods for applying the body background palette to items of a repeating group.
Public enumerationResizeMode
Indicates how a dashboard should react to re-sizing.
Public enumerationResizeModeFit
Specifies how a dashboard should react to re-sizing.
Public enumerationStrokeLineCap
The type the stroke line cap is.
Public enumerationTemplateType
The type the target of the action is.
Public enumerationViewOptions
Specifies the possible view options for a view.
Public enumerationViewSubtype
Indicates the view subtype.
Public enumerationViewType
Specifies the possible types of views in the application.