Dundas.BI.Instrumentation Namespace

Public classCombinedMeasureStatistics
Class that stores the requested statistical information values for all requested measures.
Public classElementStatistics
Class that stores the requested statistical information values for a specific IAnalysisElement.
Public classHierarchyStatistics
Class that stores the requested statistical information values for a hierarchy.
Public classMeasureStatistics
Class that stores the requested statistical information values for a specific IMeasure.
Public classNumericHierarchyStatistics
Class that stores the requested statistical information values for a specific numeric hierarchy.
Public classTimeHierarchyStatistics
Class that stores the requested statistical information values for a specific time based hierarchy.
Public classTransformStatistics
Class that stores the requested statistical information values for a specific Transform.
Public enumerationDataStatisticTypes
The various statistical values for that are supported for data result descriptor values.
Public enumerationMeasurementCategory
The various measurement categories for which timings are recorded.