Dundas.BI.Notifications Namespace

Public classAnnotationCondition
The condition for data annotation notifications.
Public classAnnotationNotification
Annotation notification definition.
Public classContentElement
Individual view settings in a notification content.
Public classContentNotification
The content notification definition.
Public classContinuouslyDecreasesCondition
Condition in which the measure value is tested to see if its value has continuously decreased over a specified number of polls.
Public classContinuouslyIncreasesCondition
Condition in which the measure value is tested to see if its value has continuously increased over a specified number of polls.
Public classCorrectionCondition
The condition for data correction notifications.
Public classCorrectionNotification
Data correction notification definition.
Public classCustomState
Custom state defined explicitly for a notification DataStateCondition object.
Public classDataDrivenCondition
Data-Driven Condition definition.
Public classDataDrivenNotification
Data notification definition.
Public classDataStateCondition
Data driven condition that is using DataState objects in evaluations.
Public classDecreasesCondition
Condition in which the measure value is tested to see if its value has decreased from previous poll.
Public classEntersStatesCondition
Condition in which the measure value is tested to see if its value has entered one or more specified s.
Public classExitsStatesCondition
Condition in which the measure value is tested to see if its value has exited one or more specified s.
Public classIncreasesCondition
Condition in which the measure value is tested to see if its value has increased from the previous poll.
Public classInStatesCondition
Condition in which the measure value is tested to see if its value is in one or more specified s.
Public classInvalidContentOverrideException
Exception that occurs when the user tries to add a mail recipient with content overrides and the view ID provided is not one of the views being exported.
Public classInvalidDataDrivenNotificationException
Exception that occurs when data driven notifications contain conditions which are targeting measures that no longer exist in the metric set.
Public classInvalidNotificationTargetAggregatorException
Exception that occurs when the user tries to configure a target cells aggregator incompatible with the current condition settings.
Public classInvalidNotificationTargetException
Exception that occurs when the user tries to create data driven notifications on metric set objects set for raw data retrieval.
Public classInvalidRecipientTypeException
Exception that occurs when the user adds an email address recipient when notification content is flagged to be created using recipient account.
Public classInvalidShareLinkObjectTypeException
Exception that occurs when the user tries to share a link of an object type that can't be shared.
Public classNotification
The notification definition.
Public classNotificationContent
User-defined content for notifications.
Public classNotificationInfo
Contains basic information about a notification.
Public classNotificationQueryFilterRule
Represents a filter expression used when querying for notifications.
Public classPollingCondition
Class that models a condition that refers to previous polling values.
Public classScheduledNotification
Scheduled notification definition.
Public classStaysInStatesCondition
Condition in which a measure is tested to see if its value has stayed in one or more specified s for a specified polling condition.
Public classTargetDataCell
Class used to model result data cells that represent the target of a notification DataDrivenCondition object.
Public interfaceIContentNotification
Interface for Notification objects that have a user-defined content, containing one or more ContentElement objects.
Public interfaceIInteractionCondition
Interface for IInteractionCondition objects.
Public interfaceINotificationService
Interface for defining and retrieving notifications.
Public interfaceIPollingCondition
Interface for DataDrivenCondition objects that support a PollingCondition.
Public interfaceIScheduledNotification
Interface for Notification objects that are evaluated according to a user-defined schedule.
Public interfaceISourceStatesCondition
Interface for EntersStatesCondition and ExitsStatesCondition objects that have source state conditions.
Public enumerationConditionCategory
Measure condition kind enumeration.
Public enumerationDeliveryFrequency
The notification delivery frequency enumeration.
Public enumerationMissingDataCellPolicy
Missing data policy enumeration defines what to do with data cells that have a value.
Public enumerationNotificationDeliveryKind
Specifies how a notification will be delivered.
Public enumerationNotificationEventCategory
Notification kind.
Public enumerationNotificationKind
Notification kind.
Public enumerationNotificationQueryField
Properties that can be used to query for notifications.