Dundas.BI.Services Namespace

Public classCallerContextService
The base class for ICallerContextService implementations.
Public classCreateShortLinkOptions
Represents options for creating a short link.
Public classMultithreadedCallerContextService
An ICallerContextService implementation suitable for multi-threaded applications.
Public interfaceIEmailService
This class provides methods to send emails using the application's configured email settings or a specific set of email settings.
Public interfaceIEncryptionService
Provides an interface for encrypting and decrypting strings using the secret keys from the application database.
Public interfaceINetworkHelperService
Provides low-level networking helper methods.
Public interfaceIShortLinkService
Provides methods for mapping long link to short link and vice versa.
Public interfaceIUsageTrackingService
Interface for managing the data associated with tracking the usage of views (e.g. dashboards and reports).
Public interfaceIWebLinkService
Specifies the interface for a service which can provide information from a hosting web application.
Public enumerationEmailDeliveryType
Specifies delivery mechanisms which may be used by the email service.