IMultiTenancyService Interface

Methods for performing operations on tenants.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.AccountServices.MultiTenancy
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IMultiTenancyService

The IMultiTenancyService type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIsModifySupported
Gets a value indicating whether saving tenant changes is supported.
Public propertyIsMultiTenancyEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether multi-tenancy is enabled.
Public propertyMaxNumberOfTenants
Gets the maximum number of tenants allowed by the license.
Public methodDeleteTenant
Deletes the tenant with the specified ID.
Public methodGetQuotaUsage
Gets information about the amount of quota the specified tenant has used.
Public methodGetTenant
Gets the tenant with the specified ID.
Public methodGetTenantAdministratorsGroupId
Gets the ID of the tenant administrators group for the specified tenant.
Public methodGetTenantInfo(Guid)
Gets minimal information about the tenant with the specified ID.
Public methodGetTenantInfo(Guid, Boolean)
Gets minimal information about the tenant with the specified ID.
Public methodGetTenantInfos
Retrieves minimal information about the tenants with the specified IDs.
Public methodGetTenantMembersGroupId
Gets the ID of the tenant members group for the specified tenant.
Public methodGetTenants
Retrieves the tenants with the specified IDs.
Public methodSaveTenant
Saves the tenant.
Public methodTenantInfoQuery
Gets limited information about the tenants corresponding to query criteria.
Public methodTenantQuery
Gets the tenants corresponding to query criteria.
Public methodTenantQueryCount
Gets the number of tenants corresponding to filter criteria.
When the multi-tenancy features are not enabled, all members of this interface will throw NotSupportedException.
See Also