SessionTerminationReason Enumeration

Specifies reasons why a session was terminated.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.AccountServices
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum SessionTerminationReason
  Member nameValueDescription
None0No reason is specified.
Inactivity1The session timed out due to inactivity.
LoggedOffByUser2The user explicitly logged off.
LoggedOffByAdmin3An administrator explicitly logged the session off.
LogOn4 The session was automatically logged off so that a new logon can succeed without violating license constraints.
AccountDeletion10The account is being deleted.
AccountDisabledOrNotFound11The account associated with the session is disabled or was not found.
ElasticLimitReached12The limit for elastic seat usage has been reached, so elastic sessions are being logged off.
Unknown13The reason for the session being terminated could not be determined.
ExternalKeepAliveFailed14 A subscriber of the SessionKeepAlive event hook indicated that the session should be terminated.
AllSessionsLoggedOff15A system operation required that all sessions be logged off.
RecoveryLogOn16The session was automatically logged off so that a recovery-mode session could be created.
UnauthorizedIPAddress17The session was created from an unauthorized IP address and was automatically terminated.
ImpersonatingSessionLoggedOff18 The session was created by administrative impersonation, and the administrator's original session was logged off.
SwitchedTenant19The session was replaced with a new session because the user switched tenants.
RemovedFromTenant20The session's account was removed from the tenant associated with the session.
See Also