OlapDataProvider Class

Base class for OLAP providers.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.DataProviders.Olap
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public abstract class OlapDataProvider : DataProvider

The OlapDataProvider type exposes the following members.

Protected methodOlapDataProvider
Initializes a new instance of the OlapDataProvider class
Public propertyCommandTimeout
Gets or sets the command timeout.
Public propertyComponentDescription
Gets the standard component description.
(Inherited from ComponentBase.)
Public propertyComponentId
Gets the component ID.
(Inherited from ComponentBase.)
Public propertyComponentName
Gets the standard component name.
(Inherited from ComponentBase.)
Public propertyHasCustomConfigurationUI
Gets a value indicating whether this data provider is using a custom configuration UI.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public propertyIsEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether the component is enabled.
(Inherited from ComponentBase.)
Public propertyManualAuthentication
Gets a value indicating whether the data provider is expecting no external authentication.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public propertyMaximumParameterValueCount
Gets the maximum number of parameter values the provider is able to support.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public propertyNamedParameterFormat
Gets the named parameter format.
(Overrides DataProviderNamedParameterFormat.)
Public propertyPackageId
Gets the ID of the extension package to which the component belongs.
(Inherited from ComponentBase.)
Public propertyPropertyDescriptors
Gets the data provider specific property descriptors.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public propertyQueryHints
Gets the query hints that are supported by the current provider.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public propertySupportedStructureTypes
Gets the supported data structures.
(Overrides DataProviderSupportedStructureTypes.)
Public propertySupportsManualQuery
Gets a value indicating whether this data provider supports manual queries.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public propertySupportsParameterPushDown
Gets a value indicating whether this data provider supports pushing parameters into queries.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public propertySupportsSessionSchemas
Gets a value indicating whether this data provider supports session schemas.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public propertySupportsTopOneElementDiscovery
Gets a value indicating whether this data provider supports top one element discovery behaviour.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public propertyUsingProviderData (Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodAllowStoringResult
Gets a value indicating whether the data returned by this provider can be put into cache or used in storage jobs.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodBuildConnectionString
Builds the connection string.
(Overrides DataProviderBuildConnectionString(IProviderConnector).)
Public methodDiscoverStructure(IDisposable, DataStructure)
Discovers the structure definition.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodDiscoverStructure(IDisposable, SupportedDataStructures, String)
Gets the structure definition with the specified name.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodDiscoverStructures
Gets the list of the structures with the specified type.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodEnumerateCustom
Enumerates the provider-specific values.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodEnumerateDatabases
Enumerates the available databases.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodEnumerateServers
Enumerates the available database servers.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodGenerateDefaultDataConnector
Generates default data connector.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodGetBasicStructureDetails
Get basic details of the structure.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Protected methodGetCellset(IOlapCube, QueryDefinition, ResultPaging)
Retrieves the data using manual query.
Protected methodGetCellset(IOlapCube, DataRequest, ResultPaging, GroupProgressIndicator, GroupCancellationToken, Boolean)
Gets the result.
Public methodGetConnection
Gets the open connection.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodGetCredentialsProviderId
Gets the ID of the credentials provider.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodGetCustomConfigurationUI
Gets the custom configuration UI based on the requested content type.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodGetDataCacheKey
Gets the data cache key.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodGetDefaultStructureName
Gets the default structure name.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodGetDiagnosticInfo
Gets diagnostic information about the data provider.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodGetMemberQueryStatement
Gets the member query statement that is used to exclude members from date mapping.
Public methodGetProviderDateMapping
Gets the provider implemented date mapping.
Public methodIsDriverInstalled
Determines whether third party driver required for this data provider is installed.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodIsUsingUploadedFile
Determines whether the connection is made to a file stored in Dundas BI database.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodLoadTObject
Loads the specified object by its unique name.
Public methodLoadCubes
Loads the OLAP cubes.
Public methodLoadDimensions
Loads the dimensions.
Public methodLoadDynamicProviderValues
Loads the dynamically retrieved provider values.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodLoadHierarchies
Loads the OLAP dimension hierarchies.
Public methodLoadKpis
Loads the KPIs for the specific cube.
Public methodLoadLevels
Loads the OLAP hierarchy levels.
Public methodLoadMeasures
Loads the OLAP cube measures.
Public methodLoadMembers(IOlapCube, Int32, Int32, String, String)
Loads the members.
Public methodLoadMembers(OlapLevel, Int32, Int32, HierarchyMemberFilter, SortDirection)
Loads the hierarchy level members.
Public methodLoadMembers(OlapMember, Int32, Int32, HierarchyMemberFilter, SortDirection)
Loads the hierarchy level members.
Public methodLoadNamedSets
Loads the OLAP cube named sets.
Public methodLoadProviderSpecificObjects
Loads the custom objects.
Protected methodLocalize
Localizes the specified string using the engine localization service.
(Inherited from ComponentBase.)
Public methodLogQueryStatement
Logs the query statement into Data.DataRetrieval.QueryAudit channel at the Information level.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodOnProviderValuesLoaded
Allows the data provider a chance to view and modify the ProviderValues after they are retrieved from the Dundas BI database.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Public methodProcessTask
Processes the current task if the task is compatible with the data provider.
(Overrides DataProviderProcessTask(ProviderTransformTask).)
Protected methodReplaceParameterPlaceholders
Replaces the parameter placeholder.
Public methodRetrieveData(IOlapCube, QueryDefinition, ResultPaging)
Retrieves the data using manual query.
Public methodRetrieveData(IOlapCube, DataRequest, ResultPaging, GroupProgressIndicator, GroupCancellationToken)
Retrieves the data.
Public methodTestConnection
Tests the connection.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
Protected methodUpdateConnectionString
Updates the connection string.
Public methodUpdateFromConnectionString
Updates from connection string.
(Overrides DataProviderUpdateFromConnectionString(IProviderConnector, String).)
Public methodUpdateProperties
Updates the properties.
Public methodValidateProviderValues
Validates data ProviderValues after they are retrieved from the Dundas BI database.
(Inherited from DataProvider.)
See Also