RequestOverrides Class

Class used to hold query specific overrides used in data retrieval operations.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.DataRetrieval
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class RequestOverrides

The RequestOverrides type exposes the following members.

Public methodRequestOverrides(MetricSet)
Initializes a new instance of the RequestOverrides class.
Public methodRequestOverrides(MetricSet, ClientOverrides)
Initializes a new instance of the RequestOverrides class.
Public propertyEffectiveSortPriorityOverrides
Gets the effective sorting priorities list of usage element unique names, in descending order of sorting priority. Any slicers or non-sorted measures are not present in the list.
Public propertyHierarchyOverrides
Gets the hierarchy overrides.
Public propertyIsTimeMemberSharingEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether hierarchy shared members should be combined or not for the purpose of visualization. The standard example is to combine Week 53 of any given year with Week 01 of the subsequent year.
Public propertyMeasureOverrides
Gets the measure overrides.
Public propertyMetricSet
Gets the metric set entity for which the overrides are defined for.
Public propertyTopBottomOverrides
Gets the top / bottom overrides for the current request.
Public propertyTotals
Gets or sets the totals settings.
Public propertyTotalsHierarchies
Gets the hierarchies for which totals are requested.
Public methodAddHierarchyOverrides
Adds overrides for one of the metric set hierarchies.
Public methodAddMeasureOverrides
Adds overrides for one of the metric set measures.
Public methodAddTopBottomSettingOverrides
Adds top bottom overrides properties.
Public methodConfigureSortPriorityOverrides
Configures the sorting priority overrides for the current data retrieval request. It allows changing the index position on the corresponding axis for all the metric set elements, including measures, thus reflecting the new sorting priorities. Measures or hierarchies missing from the list are placed at the end of their corresponding axis.
Public methodRemoveOverrides(String)
Removes the overrides specified by the usage element unique name.
Public methodRemoveOverrides(AnalysisElementUsage)
Removes the overrides specified by the usage element.
Public methodRemoveTopBottomSettings
Removes the existing top / bottom overrides.
Public methodResetSortPriorityOverrides
Resets the sort priorities overrides.
See Also