FormulaAggregator Enumeration

The in-memory measure aggregators supported by the data retrieval engine.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.Metadata
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
[GlobalizedEnumAttribute("EC04F56F-AAD2-4395-BCB3-35F5B1D0C8F1", "GS_Data_Enum_")]
public enum FormulaAggregator
  Member nameValueDescription
None0The aggregator is not set.
Sum1The measure values are aggregated by both rows and columns.
Average2The measure values are averaged by both rows and columns.
Minimum3The minimum value of the measure by both rows and columns.
Maximum4The maximum value of the measure by both rows and columns.
Count5The count of measure values by both rows and columns.
DistinctCount6The distinct count of measure values by both rows and columns.
Median7The median value of measure values by both rows and columns.
ModeMax8The mode value, or the largest mode value for multi-modal series, of measure values by both rows and columns.
ModeMin9The mode value, or the smallest mode value for multi-modal series, of measure values by both rows and columns.
See Also