MeasureSorting Class

Class used to define the sorting behavior for an IMeasure.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.Metadata
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class MeasureSorting : IEquatable<MeasureSorting>

The MeasureSorting type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDirections
Gets the measure sorting definitions for all the hierarchy levels for which rules have been set.
Public propertyIsDefined
Gets a value indicating whether sorting is defined.
Public propertyItemString
Gets the SortDirection defined for the specified hierarchy level.
Public propertyItemIHierarchyLevel
Gets the SortDirection defined for the specified hierarchy level.
Public propertyOppositeAxisMembers
Gets the opposite axis members, when setting measure sorting for a metric set with both column and row hierarchies.
Public methodCancelLevelSorting
Cancels the sorting policy for the specified hierarchy level.
Public methodCancelSorting
Cancels all sorting.
Public methodEquals(Object)
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodEquals(MeasureSorting)
Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodSortByHierarchy(SortDirection, IHierarchy)
Sorts the measure values for all the levels of the specified hierarchy.
Public methodSortByHierarchy(SortDirection, IHierarchyLevel)
Sorts the measure values for the specified hierarchy level.
Public methodSortByHierarchy(SortDirection, String)
Sorts the measure values for the specified hierarchy level.
Public methodSortByHierarchy(Boolean, SortDirection, IHierarchyLevel)
Sorts the measure values for the specified hierarchy level.
Public methodSortByHierarchy(Boolean, SortDirection, String)
Sorts the measure values for the specified hierarchy level.
Public methodSortByHierarchy(SortDirection, IHierarchy, IListMemberValue)
Sorts the measure values for all the levels of the specified hierarchy.
Public methodSortByHierarchy(SortDirection, IHierarchyLevel, IListMemberValue)
Sorts the measure values for the specified hierarchy level.
Public methodSortByHierarchy(SortDirection, String, IListMemberValue)
Sorts the measure values for the specified hierarchy level.
Public methodSortByHierarchy(Boolean, SortDirection, IHierarchyLevel, IListMemberValue)
Sorts the measure values for the specified hierarchy level.
Public methodSortByHierarchy(Boolean, SortDirection, String, IListMemberValue)
Sorts the measure values for the specified hierarchy level.
See Also