WarningCode Enumeration

The supported data warning codes.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.Metadata
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum WarningCode
  Member nameValueDescription
None0 The warning code is not set.
ParameterValueChanged1 The parameter value is changed as the specified value is invalid.
InvalidParameterValue2 The parameter value is invalid, so no selection has been used instead.
NoSelectionParameter3 No value has been selected for the parameter.
InvalidConnectorElementScript4 One of the scripts used in generating connector elements is invalid.
InvalidMeasureScript5 One of the scripts used in generating calculated measures is invalid.
InvalidFunctionSetting6 One of the setting values used within a function evaluation is invalid.
InvalidFunctionInput7 One of the input values used within a function evaluation is invalid.
MissingScriptDependency8 One or more script dependencies are missing.
InvalidMeasure9 The measure element is missing.
InvalidMeasureAggregator10 The measure aggregator is not supported by the underlying cube.
InvalidHierarchy11 The hierarchy element is missing.
InvalidTransformConnection12 One or more transform have invalid connections.
NoUsageElements13 No metric set usage elements have been selected for analysis.
MissingDataConnectorDependency14 One or more data connector dependencies are missing.
DataProviderWarning15 The data provider warning.
SimplificationWarning16 The data result could not be simplified with the current data and settings.
InvalidSortCommand17 The data result could not be sorted according to the specified command.
InvalidSecurityAttribute18 The security attribute is missing.
InvalidCountMeasureUse19 The automatic COUNT measure is incorrectly used with in-memory cube structures.
NonAggregatableHierarchy20 The data request cannot be completed due to non-aggregatable hierarchies.
InvalidTopBottomTotals21 The current provider does not support totals in conjunction with top/bottom functionality.
InvalidGroupCommand22 The data result could not be grouped according to the specified command.
InvalidElements23 The transform uses one or more elements with no upstream source connected.
NewDependencyParameters24 The formula metric set has encountered new parameters in the constituent metric sets. The correct use of these new parameters requires the formula metric set to be recreated.
StringTruncated25 The transform needed to truncate some strings that exceeded the specified maximum length.
TooManyLevels26 The ragged hierarchy has over 20 levels.
ChartCategoricalZoomingInvalid27 The data plotted along the chart axis could not be zoomed in.
InvalidDynamicMeasure28 The selected dynamic measure is invalid in current context.
CircularReference29 The ragged hierarchy has a circular reference.
MeasureScriptException30 One of the scripts used in generating calculated measures is throwing an exception which is not a ScriptException.
InvalidSchema31 A transform is using a schema value which is invalid (non-existent or multiple) causing a InvalidSchemaException.
See Also