ComponentSetting Class

Represents the base class for any component settings. Component settings alter the process functionality for data retrieval.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.Parameters
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public abstract class ComponentSetting : Setting

The ComponentSetting type exposes the following members.

Protected methodComponentSetting
Initializes a new instance of the ComponentSetting class.
Public propertyAvailableValueTypes
Gets the available parameter value types for the current instance.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public propertyChangesOutputMetadata
Gets a value indicating whether the value changes the output metadata.
Public propertyDataType
Gets the component setting type.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public propertyDefaultValue
Gets the default value.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the object description.
(Inherited from DescriptorBase.)
Public propertyHasValidValues
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has valid values.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public propertyId
Gets the object ID.
(Inherited from DescriptorBase.)
Public propertyIsDependencySetting
Gets a value indicating whether the current instance is a dependency setting.
Public propertyIsElementSpecific
Gets a value indicating whether the setting is applied to a data element.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public propertyIsInvertedSelectionSupported
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance supports inverted selection.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the object name.
(Inherited from DescriptorBase.)
Public propertyPrimarySettingValue
Gets the primary setting value when the current instance becomes active, if the current instance is a dependency setting.
Public propertyValidationRule
Gets the rule used to validate the setting's value.
Public propertyValidValues
Gets the valid values for the current instance.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public methodAddValidValue(Boolean, String, String)
Adds a new value to the supported list of valid values.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public methodAddValidValue(DateTime, String, String)
Adds a new value to the supported list of valid values.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public methodAddValidValue(String, String, String)
Adds a new value to the supported list of valid values.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public methodAddValidValue(Number, String, String)
Adds a new value to the supported list of valid values.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public methodAddValidValue(ParameterToken, String, String)
Adds a new value to the supported list of valid values.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public methodAddValidValue(Boolean, CompatibleDataTypes, String, String)
Adds a new value to the supported list of valid values.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public methodAddValidValue(DateTime, CompatibleDataTypes, String, String)
Adds a new value to the supported list of valid values.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public methodAddValidValue(String, CompatibleDataTypes, String, String)
Adds a new value to the supported list of valid values.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public methodAddValidValue(Number, CompatibleDataTypes, String, String)
Adds a new value to the supported list of valid values.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public methodAddValidValue(ParameterToken, CompatibleDataTypes, String, String)
Adds a new value to the supported list of valid values.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public methodCheckValue
Checks the value for validity against any boundaries or existing valid values.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public methodCheckValueAgainstBoundaries
Checks the value for validity only against existing boundaries.
(Inherited from Setting.)
Public methodRemoveDependency
Removes the current instance dependency to a primary setting.
Public methodSetPrimaryDependencyValue
Sets the current instance as a dependency settings, and assigns the primary setting value when the current instance becomes active.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from DescriptorBase.)
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy