FlattenMapping Class

Class that encapsulates a mapping rule used for flattening JSON or XML data.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.Transforms
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class FlattenMapping : IEquatable<FlattenMapping>

The FlattenMapping type exposes the following members.

Public methodFlattenMapping(String)
Initializes a new instance of the FlattenMapping class. The current path is used for record selection.
Public methodFlattenMapping(String, String, DataType)
Initializes a new instance of the FlattenMapping class.
Public propertyChildren
Return the list of child mappings, if any.
Public propertyColumnName
Gets the tabular column name.
Public propertyDataType
Gets the DataType for the newly created tabular column or columns.
Public propertyId
Gets the mapping ID.
Public propertyIsRecordSelector
Gets a flag indicating if the current mapping is used simply to designate new tabular records.
Public propertyIsSelected
Gets a flag indicating if the current mapping is selected for the creation of new tabular columns.
Public propertyIsValid
Gets a flag indicating if the current mappings are valid from the point of view of allowed record selector mappings.
Public propertyMappingPath
Gets or sets the document mapping path.
Public methodAddChildMapping
Adds a child mapping for the current record selector.
Public methodEquals(Object)
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodEquals(FlattenMapping)
Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodRemoveChildMapping
Removes a child mapping for the current record selector.
See Also