IDataConnectorService Interface

Interface for service providing functionality for getting and saving DataConnector objects.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Entities.DataConnectors
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IDataConnectorService : IEntityService<DataConnector>

The IDataConnectorService type exposes the following members.

Public methodChangeDataProvider
Changes the data provider for existing data connector.
Public methodDiscoverSpecifiedStructures(Guid, SupportedDataStructures, ICollectionString)
Discovers names and descriptions of the native data structures and saves them into the application database. Only structures in structureNamesToDiscover will be discovered. This method also discovers relationships between tables.
Public methodDiscoverSpecifiedStructures(Guid, SupportedDataStructures, ICollectionString, Boolean)
Discovers names and descriptions of the native data structures and saves them into the application database. Only structures in structureNamesToDiscover will be discovered. This method also discovers relationships between tables.
Public methodDiscoverStructures(Guid, SupportedDataStructures)
Discovers names and descriptions of the native data structures and saves them into the application database. This method also discovers relationships between tables. If the data connector has metadata flag Constants.DataConnectorPropertyIgnoreDiscovery, the method does nothing.
Public methodDiscoverStructures(DataConnector, SupportedDataStructures)
Discovers names and descriptions of the native data structures and saves them into the application database. This method also discovers relationships between tables.
Public methodDiscoverTabularParameters
Discovers parameters for tabular data connectors
Public methodGet(Guid)
Gets an entity by its ID and revision number.
Public methodGet(Guid, EntityGetOptions)
Gets an entity by its ID and revision number.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(String, Guid)
Gets an entity by its name.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(Guid, Int64)
Gets an entity by its ID and revision number.
Public methodGet(Guid, Int64, EntityGetOptions)
Gets an entity by its ID and revision number.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(String, Guid, EntityGetOptions)
Gets an entity by its name.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(String, Guid, Int64)
Gets an entity by its name and revision number.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(String, Guid, Int64, EntityGetOptions)
Gets an entity by its name and revision number.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGetUndoContext
Gets the undo context.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodListStructures
Lists the structures that are available for the data connector.
Public methodRestoreUndoFrame
Restores the entity to the undo frame.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodRewire
Rewires the specified entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodSave(DataConnector)
Saves the specified entity.
Public methodSave(T, String, Guid, EntityCreationOptions)
Saves the specified entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodSave(T, String, Guid, Boolean)
Saves the specified entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodTryRedo
Tries to redo the last change done to the entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodTryUndo
Tries to undo the last change done to the entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
See Also