IApplicationInfoService Interface

Provides methods for getting information about the Dundas application.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IApplicationInfoService

The IApplicationInfoService type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDeploymentFlags
Gets the full list of deployment flags (case-insensitive).
Public propertyDiagnosticFlags
Gets the full list of diagnostic flags (case-insensitive).
Public methodCheckAppDbConnectivity
Checks to see if connectivity to the application database can be established.
Public methodGetAppDbConnectionString
Gets the application database connection string.
Public methodGetApplicationInfo
Gets information about the application.
Public methodGetDiagnostics
Gets a string containing diagnostic information about the application and the system.
Public methodGetSchedulerLastConnectedToServerTime
Gets the date/time at which the scheduler service last successfully connected to the REST API of the Dundas BI web application.
Public methodGetSchedulerLastSeenTime
Gets the date/time at which the scheduler was last seen to be running.
Public methodGetSystemPerformanceInfo
Gets system performance information (e.g. CPU and memory usage).
Public methodIsDeploymentFlagEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether the deployment flag with the specified name is enabled.
Public methodIsDiagnosticFlagEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether the diagnostic flag with the specified name is enabled.
See Also