IEngine Interface

An object representing an instance of the application engine.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IEngine : IServiceContainer, 

The IEngine type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAppDataPath
Gets the physical path to the application's data folder.
Public propertyApplicationStorageEngine
Gets the database engine used for application storage.
Public propertyCallerContext
Gets the currently-executing user context.
Public propertyConfiguration
Gets the currently-loaded application configuration.
Public propertyCulture
Gets the culture to use for formatting dates, numbers, etc. This will typically be the culture associated with the in-context Session.
Public propertyHostIdentifier
Gets the engine host identifier - a unique name that defines the engine host.
Public propertyServerQualifiedHostIdentifier
Gets the server-qualified engine host identifier.
Public propertySession
Gets the Session associated with the currently-executing user context.
Public propertyState
Gets the state of the application engine.
Public propertyTempDataPath
Gets the path where any temporary application data is saved.
Public propertyTimeZone
Gets the time zone to use for printing dates and times. This will typically be the time zone associated with the in-context Session.
Public eventHeartbeat
Occurs when the Engine heartbeat happens - approximately every 60 seconds.
Public eventInitialized
Occurs during engine startup after all registered services implementing IRequireInitialization have been initialized.
Public eventStarted
Public eventStopped
Public eventStopping
Extension Methods
See Also