ILocalizationService Interface

Provides methods for getting localized versions of strings.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface ILocalizationService

The ILocalizationService type exposes the following members.

Public propertyKnownModuleIds
Gets the list of module IDs for which localized strings have been defined.
Public propertyLoadedCultures
Gets the list of cultures for which localized strings have been defined.
Public methodCopyLocalizationForCulture
Copies the localization for target culture.
Public methodDeleteLocalization
Deletes the localization.
Public methodGetChecksum
Gets a checksum corresponding to the localization strings for the specified module.
Public methodGetLocalization
Gets the localization.
Public methodGetLocalizationInfos
Gets information about localization resources.
Public methodGetString(Guid, String, Object)
Gets the string corresponding to the specified key for the culture associated with the current caller.
Public methodGetString(Guid, String, CultureInfo, Object)
Gets the string corresponding to the specified key.
Public methodGetStrings
Gets the collection of localized strings corresponding to the specified parameters.
Public methodStoreLocalization
Stores the localization.
Public methodTryGetString(CultureInfo, Guid, String, String)
Tries the get the localized string with the specified key for the specified culture.
Public methodTryGetString(CultureInfo, Guid, String, Object, String)
Tries the get the localized string with the specified key for the specified culture.
See Also