DeliveryProviderSettings Class

Extension provider delivery settings.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Notifications.Delivery
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class DeliveryProviderSettings : DeliverySettings

The DeliveryProviderSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDeliveryKind
Gets the delivery kind of the notification.
(Overrides DeliverySettingsDeliveryKind.)
Public propertyExportUsingRecipientAccount
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the export should be run under recipient(s)'s account.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
Public propertyMaximumFrequency
Gets the maximum delivery frequency of the notification.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
Public propertyProviderId
Gets or sets the delivery provider ID of the notification.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
Public propertyProviderSettings
Gets the delivery provider setting values.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
Public propertyRecipients
Gets the e-mail recipients.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
Public methodAddRecipient(Guid)
Adds the recipient.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
Public methodAddRecipient(String)
Adds the recipient.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
Public methodAddRecipient(Recipient)
Adds the recipient.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
Public methodAddRecipient(Guid, Boolean)
Adds the recipient.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
Public methodAddRecipient(Guid, IListRecipientViewOverride)
Adds the recipient.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
Public methodAddRecipient(String, Boolean)
Adds the recipient.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
Public methodAddRecipient(String, IListRecipientViewOverride)
Adds the recipient.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
Public methodAddRecipient(Guid, Boolean, IListRecipientViewOverride)
Adds the recipient.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
Public methodAddRecipient(String, Boolean, IListRecipientViewOverride)
Adds the recipient.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
Public methodAddRecipient(Guid, RecipientMemberKind, Boolean, IListRecipientViewOverride)
Adds the recipient.
(Inherited from DeliverySettings.)
See Also