RecipientDeliveryRequest Class

Class that encapsulates a delivery request for a recipient and the associated options.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Notifications.Delivery
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class RecipientDeliveryRequest : DeliveryRequest

The RecipientDeliveryRequest type exposes the following members.

Public methodRecipientDeliveryRequest(Notification, Recipient) Obsolete.
Initializes a new instance of the RecipientDeliveryRequest class.
Public methodRecipientDeliveryRequest(Notification, Recipient, CancellationToken)
Initializes a new instance of the RecipientDeliveryRequest class.
Public propertyActionText
Gets the action text.
(Inherited from DeliveryRequest.)
Public propertyActionUser
Gets the MemberInfo of the user that triggered the action.
(Inherited from DeliveryRequest.)
Public propertyCancellationToken
Gets the cancellation token associated with the request operation.
(Inherited from DeliveryRequest.)
Public propertyDeliverySettings
Gets the DeliverySettings the delivery.
(Inherited from DeliveryRequest.)
Public propertyId
Gets the ID of the delivery request.
(Inherited from DeliveryRequest.)
Public propertyIsCancellationRequested
Gets a value indicating whether a cancellation signal has been sent to the delivery request.
(Inherited from DeliveryRequest.)
Public propertyNotification
Gets the Notification to deliver.
(Inherited from DeliveryRequest.)
Public propertyNotificationContent
Gets the NotificationContent settings of the notification.
(Inherited from DeliveryRequest.)
Public propertyNotificationContentItems
Gets the set of NotificationContent settings of the notification.
(Inherited from DeliveryRequest.)
Public propertyNotificationCreator
Gets the MemberInfo of the user that created the notification.
(Inherited from DeliveryRequest.)
Public propertyProviderId
Gets the ID of the provider that will perform the delivery.
(Inherited from DeliveryRequest.)
Public propertyRecipient
Gets the Recipient to deliver to.
Public propertyRecipientAccount
Gets the Account of the recipient.
Public propertyRecipientCulture
Gets the CultureInfo of the recipient.
Public propertyUnsubscribeToken
Gets the token that can be used to remove recipient from the notification.
Public propertyViewId
Gets the View the action took place on.
(Inherited from DeliveryRequest.)
See Also