IJobService Interface

Provides services for accessing and manipulating application jobs.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Scheduling
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IJobService

The IJobService type exposes the following members.

Public methodCancelJob
Cancels a job if it is running.
Public methodClearOldJobData
Clears job run events, job runs, and deleted jobs older than the specified date.
Public methodGetJob(Guid)
Gets a job.
Public methodGetJob(Guid, RelatedJobsIncludeKinds)
Gets a job with or without related jobs.
Public methodGetJobRun
Gets a job run.
Public methodGetJobRunEvents
Gets the job run events for the specified job run.
Public methodGetJobRuns
Gets the job runs for the specified job.
Public methodGetJobs
Gets jobs.
Public methodGetLatestJobRunEventForJobs
Gets the latest job run event for each of the specified jobs.
Public methodCode exampleJobQuery
Gets the jobs corresponding to query criteria.
Public methodJobQueryCount
Gets the number of jobs corresponding to filter criteria.
Public methodJobRunEventQuery
Gets the job run events corresponding to query criteria.
Public methodJobRunEventQueryCount
Gets the number of job run events corresponding to filter criteria.
Public methodJobRunQuery
Gets the job runs corresponding to query criteria.
Public methodJobRunQueryCount
Gets the number of job runs corresponding to filter criteria.
Public methodSetJobIsEnabled
Specifies whether the job is enabled.
Public methodSetJobMaintainer
Sets the job maintainer.
See Also