ScheduleRule Class

Represents range and pattern of a Schedule.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Scheduling
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class ScheduleRule

The ScheduleRule type exposes the following members.

Public methodScheduleRule
Initializes a new instance of the ScheduleRule class.
Public propertyDailyPatternInterval
Gets or sets the number of repeatable day periods for the schedule.
Public propertyDayOfMonth Obsolete.
Gets or sets the day of the month for the schedule used in a "Day(s) N" pattern.
Public propertyDayOfWeek
Gets or sets the day of the week for the schedule used in a "The [First] [Monday] of [January, February...]" pattern.
Public propertyDaysOfMonth
Gets or sets the days of the month for the schedule used in a "Day(s) N" pattern.
Public propertyDescription
Gets the schedule description.
Public propertyEndDate
Gets or sets the end date for the schedule.
Public propertyEndPolicy
Gets or sets how the schedule ends.
Public propertyFirstOrLastDaysOfMonth
Gets or sets the number of repeatable first or last day periods for the schedule.
Public propertyHasRecurrence
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the schedule has an intra-day recurrence defined.
Public propertyIsDstAdjusted
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the daylight savings time adjustments should be applied.
Public propertyIsRecurrencePattern
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the recurrence is a pattern, rather than set times.
Public propertyMonthlyPatternKind
Gets or sets whether an ordinal day of the month or specific day of a certain week of a month should be selected.
Public propertyNthSpecificDayOfMonth
Gets or sets the ordinal number of the day in a month.
Public propertyNumberOfOccurrences
Gets or sets the number of occurrences for the schedule.
Public propertyOccurrences
Gets the occurrences - the list of specific running times of the day.
Public propertyPatternType
Gets or sets the type of the schedule pattern.
Public propertyRecurrenceEndTime
Gets or sets the recurrence end time.
Public propertyRecurrenceInterval
Gets or sets the recurrence interval, which could be in hours or minutes, depending on RecurrenceIntervalKind.
Public propertyRecurrenceIntervalKind
Gets or sets the units of the recurrence interval (hours or minutes) in an "Every N [interval]" pattern.
Public propertySpecificDaysOfWeek
Gets the selected days of the week for the schedule.
Public propertySpecificMonths
Gets the selected months for the schedule used in a "Day N of the following month(s): January, February etc." pattern.
Public propertyStartTime
Gets or sets the start time for the schedule.
Public propertyTimeZoneId
Gets or sets the time zone identifier.
Public propertyTimeZoneInfo
Gets the time zone info.
Public propertyWeeklyPatternInterval
Gets or sets the number of repeatable week periods for the schedule.
Public methodAddDayOfMonth
Adds a day of month in repeatable day periods for the schedule.
Public methodAddOccurrence
Adds the occurrence to the Occurrences collection.
Public methodAddSpecificDayOfWeek
Adds the specific day of week to the SpecificDaysOfWeek collection.
Public methodAddSpecificMonth
Adds the specific month to the SpecificMonths collection.
Public methodDeleteOccurrence
Deletes the occurrence from the Occurrences collection.
Public methodDeleteSpecificDayOfWeek
Deletes the specific day of week from the SpecificDaysOfWeek collection.
Public methodDeleteSpecificMonth
Deletes the specific month from the SpecificMonths collection.
Public methodGetNextRunTime
Gets the schedule's next run time based on StartTime.
Public methodRemoveDayOfMonth
Deletes a day of month in repeatable day periods for the schedule.
Public methodSetDaysOfMonth
Sets or replaces a collection of days of month in repeatable day periods for the schedule.
See Also