ExportConfig Class

Represents the configuration of an export.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Transfer
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class ExportConfig : ExportConfigInfo

The ExportConfig type exposes the following members.

Public methodExportConfig
Initializes a new instance of the ExportConfig class.
Public propertyAccountIds
Gets a set containing the IDs of all accounts to export.
Public propertyAppSettingTransferSpecs
Gets a set containing the specifications of all app settings to export.
Public propertyBuiltInResourceIds
Gets a set containing the IDs of all built-in resources to export.
Public propertyCreatedBy
Gets the ID of the user who created this configuration.
(Inherited from ExportConfigInfo.)
Public propertyCreatedTime
Gets the creation UTC date and time of this configuration.
(Inherited from ExportConfigInfo.)
Public propertyEntityTransferVersionPolicy
Gets or sets the entity transfer version policy.
Public propertyFileSystemEntryIds
Gets a set containing the IDs of all file system entries to export.
Public propertyGroupIds
Gets a set containing the IDs of all groups to export.
Public propertyId
Gets the ID of the export configuration.
(Inherited from ExportConfigInfo.)
Public propertyIncludeAllAccounts
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the accounts shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeAllAppSettings
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the application settings shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeAllBuiltInResources
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the built-in resources shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeAllGroups
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the groups shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeAllNotifications
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the notifications shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeAllStaticResources
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the static resources shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeAllTenants
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the tenants shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeCheckedOutEntityRevisions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether checked out entity revision shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeContextualData
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contextual data shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeCubeData
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the cube data shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeCustomAttributes
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all the custom attributes shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeGroupMemberships
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the group membership of accounts and groups shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludePublishHistories
Gets or sets a value indicating whether publish histories associated with exported projects shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeReferencedItems
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the items which are referenced to the export items shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeResourceData
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the resource data shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeTokens
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the global tokens and the tokens associated with the exporting accounts or projects shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeUserInputEntries
Gets or sets a value indicating whether user input entries such as annotations and value corrections shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeUserProjects
Gets or sets a value indicating whether user projects shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyLastUsedBy
Gets or sets the ID of the user who last used this configuration.
(Inherited from ExportConfigInfo.)
Public propertyLastUsedTime
Gets or sets the UTC date and time this configuration was last used.
(Inherited from ExportConfigInfo.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the export configuration.
(Inherited from ExportConfigInfo.)
Public propertyNotificationIds
Gets a set containing the IDs of all notifications to export.
Public propertyPublishHistoryIds
Gets a set containing the IDs (mappings between source and target project IDs) of all publish histories to export.
Public propertyStaticResourceIds
Gets a set containing the IDs of all static resources to export.
Public propertyTenantIds
Gets a set containing the IDs of all tenants to export.
See Also