TransferFileInfo Class

Represents a light weight version of a transfer file which allows a user to see the items to be imported.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Transfer
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class TransferFileInfo

The TransferFileInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccountTransferItems
Gets the collection of all the account transfer items found in the transfer file.
Public propertyAppDbVersion
Gets the application database version number of the DBI application which was used to create the transfer file.
Public propertyAppSettingTransferItems
Gets the AppSettingTransferItem list in the transfer file.
Public propertyBuiltInResourceTransferItems
Gets the AppResourceTransferItem list of static resources in the transfer file.
Public propertyCustomAttributeTransferItems
Gets the collection of all the custom attribute transfer items found in the transfer file.
Public propertyExportConfigurationName
Gets the name of the export configuration.
Public propertyExportEntityTransferVersionPolicy
Gets the entity transfer version policy of the transfer file.
Public propertyFileSystemEntryTransferItems
Gets the list of all the file system entry transfer items found in the transfer file.
Public propertyGroupTransferItems
Gets the collection of all the group transfer items found in the transfer file.
Public propertyIncludeCheckedOutEntityRevisions
Gets a value indicating whether the checked out entity revisions were included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeContextualData
Gets a value indicating whether the contextual data was included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeCubeData
Gets a value indicating whether the cube data was included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeCustomAttributes
Gets a value indicating whether all the custom attributes shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeGroupMemberships
Gets a value indicating whether the group membership of accounts shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeReferencedItems
Gets a value indicating whether the items which are referenced to the export items shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeResourceData
Gets a value indicating whether the resource data was included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeTokens
Gets a value indicating whether the global tokens and the tokens associated with the exporting accounts or projects shall be included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeUserInputEntries
Gets a value indicating whether the user input entries such as annotations and value corrections were included in the export file.
Public propertyIncludeUserProjects
Gets a value indicating whether user projects were included in the export file.
Public propertyNotificationTransferItems
Gets the NotificationTransferItem list of notifications in the transfer file.
Public propertyProductVersion
Gets the version of Dundas BI which was used to create the transfer file.
Public propertyPublishHistoryTransferItems
Gets the PublishHistoryTransferItem list of publish histories in the transfer file.
Public propertySource
Gets the source of the transfer file.
Public propertyStaticResourceTransferItems
Gets the AppResourceTransferItem list of static resources in the transfer file.
Public propertyTenantTransferItems
Gets the list of all the tenant transfer items found in the transfer file.
Public propertyTransferFileId
Gets the ID of the transfer file.
Public propertyTransferFileUncPath
Gets the UNC path of the transfer file.
Public propertyTransferFileUri
Gets the URL of the transfer file.
See Also