ViewportData Class

A class that represent the current location of the viewport and the distance is covering.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Utility.Map
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class ViewportData

The ViewportData type exposes the following members.

Public methodViewportData
Initializes a new instance of the ViewportData class.
Public propertyAppliedZoomAdjustment
Gets or sets the zoom level to be applied in the DOM after adjustments made for browser compatibility.
Public propertyBoundHeight
Gets or sets the height of the viewport in map coordinates.
Public propertyBoundWidth
Gets or sets the width of the viewport in map coordinates.
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the available height of the current viewport.
Public propertyViewHeight
Gets or sets the height of the zoomed-out content.
Public propertyViewWidth
Gets or sets the width of the zoomed-out content.
Public propertyViewX
Gets or sets the X coordinate of the corner of the current viewport.
Public propertyViewY
Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the corner of the current viewport.
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the available width of the current viewport.
Public propertyX
Gets or sets the horizontal position of the current viewport.
Public propertyY
Gets or sets the vertical position of the current viewport.
Public propertyZoomLevel
Gets or sets the zoom level of the current viewport.
Public propertyZoomMouseXDistance
Gets or sets distance of the mouse from the left border of the zoomed-out map content.
Public propertyZoomMouseXPoint
Gets or sets distance of the mouse from the viewport X position.
Public propertyZoomMouseYDistance
Gets or sets distance of the mouse from the top border of the zoomed-out map content.
Public propertyZoomMouseYPoint
Gets or sets distance of the mouse from the viewport Y position.
See Also