ActionData Class

Represents any ActionBase. This is a massive DTO class because we can't tell the derived type JSON sends us (like FileData).
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.WebApiCore (in Dundas.BI.WebApiCore.dll) Version: (
public class ActionData : BaseDataContract

The ActionData type exposes the following members.

Public methodActionData
Initializes a new instance of the ActionData class.
Public propertyActionTarget
Gets or sets how the target opens when navigated to.
Public propertyActionType
Gets the action type.
Public propertyBoundVisual
Gets or sets the bound visual.
Public propertyClearDataInputSources
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data input sources should be cleared, if possible, after doing the data input.
Public propertyDataCubeId
Gets or sets the data cube ID.
Public propertyFriendlyName
Gets or sets the friendly name.
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the height.
Public propertyHideAdapterIds
Gets the IDs of adapters to show.
Public propertyHideLayerIds
Gets the IDs of layers to hide.
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the ID.
Public propertyInputMappings
Gets the input mappings where the ID is the unique name of the column to set, and the value is the ID of the adapter or view parameter to use to set it.
Public propertyIsFocusLostIgnored
Gets or sets a value indicating whether focus lost is ignored.
Public propertyIsFrameHidden
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the frame is hidden.
Public propertyIsHorizontal
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the expand / collapse is horizontal. By default, it is vertical.
Public propertyIsMouseLeaveIgnored
Gets or sets a value indicating whether mouse leave is ignored.
Public propertyIsToggle
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this action toggles the visibility or not.
Public propertyMetricSetBindingId
Gets or sets the ID of the metric set binding that this data action is associated with.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name.
Public propertyNavigateType
Gets or sets the type of the navigation for the data action.
Public propertyParameterMappings
Gets the parameter mappings.
Public propertyPlaceholderAsUrl
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the placeholder should be treated as a full URL instead of just a query string portion of the URL. This means that encoding will not be applied, which allows values like "" to be used as a value, or "http://[placeholder]" where placeholder is a valid URL.
Public propertyRefreshAdapterIds
Gets the refresh adapter IDs.
Public propertyScript
Gets or sets the script.
Public propertyShowAdapterIds
Gets the IDs of adapters to show.
Public propertyShowLayerIds
Gets the IDs of layers to show.
Public propertyTargetObjectId
Gets or sets the ID of the target object.
Public propertyTargetObjectType
Gets or sets the type of the target object.
Public propertyTargetUrl
Gets or sets the target URL.
Public propertyTransformId
Gets or sets the data input transform ID.
Public propertyUIClassName
Gets or sets the name of the UI class (used for auto de-serialization).
(Inherited from BaseDataContract.)
Public propertyUseFilterValueCaption
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the filter caption should be used instead of the unique name. This only applies for URL navigation.
Public propertyUseSubCanvas
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the sub canvas should be used to render instead of an iframe.
Public propertyUseTargetInitialViewOptions
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the target view's initial view options should be used. By default, full-screen is always used when a navigation or other action occurs which targets a view.
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the width.
Public methodStatic memberFromDataContractMappings
The mapping between ActionData and ActionBase.
Public methodStatic memberToDataContractMappings
The mapping between ActionBase and ActionData.
See Also