FunctionData Class

Data contract for FunctionDefinition.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.WebApiCore (in Dundas.BI.WebApiCore.dll) Version: (
public class FunctionData : BaseDataContract

The FunctionData type exposes the following members.

Public methodFunctionData
Initializes a new instance of the FunctionData class.
Public propertyAlignmentCategory
Gets the alignment option for the current function.
Public propertyCategoryName
Gets the function category name.
Public propertyDataInputs
Gets all the data inputs for the current function.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the object description.
Public propertyHelpUri
Gets a URI to a web page which provides documentation about the function.
Public propertyIsCommon
Gets a value indicating whether the function should appear in the list of common functions.
Public propertyIsDataInputAligned
Gets a value indicating whether the current instance requires that the data inputs are following alignment rules.
Public propertyIsDataInputHierarchyAligned
Gets a value indicating whether the current instance requires that the data inputs are aligned based on a specified hierarchy values.
Public propertyIsExplicitAlignmentRequired
Gets a value indicating whether this instance requires explicit alignment.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the object name.
Public propertySettings
Gets all the current instance settings.
Public propertySymbol
Gets the minimum 3 character string symbol for the function.
Public propertyUIClassName
Gets or sets the name of the UI class (used for auto de-serialization).
(Inherited from BaseDataContract.)
Public methodStatic memberToDataContractMappings
The mapping between FunctionDefinition and FunctionData.
See Also