HierarchyLevelData Class

The data contract class for IHierarchyLevel, ITimeHierarchyLevel and IFormattableHierarchyLevel classes.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.WebApiCore (in Dundas.BI.WebApiCore.dll) Version: (
public class HierarchyLevelData : UniqueNameData

The HierarchyLevelData type exposes the following members.

Public methodHierarchyLevelData
Initializes a new instance of the HierarchyLevelData class.
Public propertyCaption
Gets or sets the caption.
Public propertyCaptionFormat
Gets the caption format.
Public propertyCompatibleUniqueName
Gets the compatible unique name. This property allows grouping together compatible hierarchy levels across multiple IAnalysisStructures.
Public propertyDataSourceId
Gets the ID of the source data cube.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description.
Public propertyGranularity
Gets the time level granularity.
Public propertyHierarchyUniqueName
Gets or sets the unique name of the hierarchy.
Public propertyInterval
Gets the time interval for the current level.
Public propertyLevelDepth
Gets level number in a hierarchy.
Public propertyLevelType
Gets the type of the level.
Public propertyLocalizedCaptionFormat
Gets the localized caption format.
Public propertyLocalizedShortCaptionFormat
Gets the localized short caption format.
Public propertyMemberColumns
Gets the member columns.
Public propertyProperties
Gets the child members non-standard properties.
Public propertyShortCaptionFormat
Gets the short caption format.
Public propertyUIClassName
Gets or sets the name of the UI class (used for auto de-serialization).
(Inherited from BaseDataContract.)
Public propertyUniqueName
Gets the object unique name.
(Inherited from UniqueNameData.)
Public propertyUnknownMember
Gets the unknown member for this level.
Public methodStatic memberFromEntityToHierarchyLevelMappings
The mapping between the business object and the DTO.
Public methodStatic memberToDataContractMappings
The mapping between the business object and the DTO.
See Also