NotificationData Class

Base data contract object for returning an Notification through REST API.
Base data contract object for returning an Notification through REST API.
Base data contract object for returning an Notification through REST API.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.WebApiCore (in Dundas.BI.WebApiCore.dll) Version: (
public class NotificationData : DescriptorBaseData

The NotificationData type exposes the following members.

Public methodNotificationData
Initializes a new instance of the NotificationData class.
Public propertyAccountId
Gets or sets the ID of the account associated with the notification.
Public propertyAccountInfo
Gets or sets the account info object.
Public propertyConditions
Gets the conditions defined for the current instance.
Public propertyConditionsOperator
Gets or sets the logical operator, when multiple conditions are defined within.
Public propertyContent
User-defined content for notifications.
Public propertyContentItems
User-defined content for notifications.
Public propertyDeliverySettings
Gets the notification delivery settings.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the object description.
(Inherited from DescriptorBaseData.)
Public propertyId
Gets the object ID.
(Inherited from DescriptorBaseData.)
Public propertyIsSavedOnServer
Gets a value indicating whether this notification has been saved on the server.
Public propertyIsValid
Gets a value indicating whether or not the notification is in a valid state.
Public propertyLastDeliveryDate
Gets the last date the notification was delivered.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the object name.
(Inherited from DescriptorBaseData.)
Public propertyNotificationCondition
Gets or sets the notification condition.
Public propertyNotificationKind
Notification kind.
Public propertySchedule
The schedule definition.
Public propertyTenantId
Gets or sets the ID of the tenant associated with the notification creator.
Public propertyTenantInfo
Gets or sets the tenant info object.
Public propertyUIClassName
Gets or sets the name of the UI class (used for auto de-serialization).
(Inherited from BaseDataContract.)
Public methodStatic memberFromDataContractMappings
The mapping between NotificationData and Notification.
Public methodStatic memberToDataContractMappings
The mapping between Notification and NotificationData.
See Also