QueryHierarchyMembersOptions Class

The options class used for querying the hierarchy members.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.WebApiCore (in Dundas.BI.WebApiCore.dll) Version: (
public class QueryHierarchyMembersOptions : GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase

The QueryHierarchyMembersOptions type exposes the following members.

Public methodQueryHierarchyMembersOptions
Initializes a new instance of the QueryHierarchyMembersOptions class.
Public propertyBypassHierarchyCache
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the hierarchy cache should be bypassed for the current member request.
(Inherited from GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase.)
Public propertyBypassSecurityForAdmin
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the security hierarchy processing should be bypassed for admin accounts.
(Inherited from GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase.)
Public propertyCount
Gets or sets the sequence size, when the retrieved members are paginated.
(Inherited from GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase.)
Public propertyCrossFilterValues
Gets the cross filter values, used for cross hierarchy filtering.
(Inherited from GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase.)
Public propertyFirstVisibleParentMember
Gets or sets the first visible parent member.
Public propertyHierarchyUniqueName
Gets or sets the unique name of the hierarchy.
(Inherited from GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase.)
Public propertyIncludeAncestry
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the retrieved members should have their ancestry populated.
(Inherited from GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase.)
Public propertyInheritedFilterValues
Gets the inherited parameter values.
(Inherited from GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase.)
Public propertyLastVisibleLevel
Gets or sets the last visible level.
Public propertyLevelUniqueName
Gets or sets the unique name of the level.
(Inherited from GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase.)
Public propertyMemberDateTime
Gets or sets the date/time of the member.
(Inherited from GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase.)
Public propertyMemberFilter
Gets or sets the member filter.
(Inherited from GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase.)
Public propertyMemberUniqueName
Gets or sets the unique name of the member.
(Inherited from GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase.)
Public propertyShownMembers
Gets the shown members.
Public propertySortRule
Gets or sets the sort rule.
(Inherited from GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase.)
Public propertyStart
Gets or sets the starting sequence index, when the retrieved members are paginated.
(Inherited from GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase.)
Public propertyTenantId
Gets or sets the tenant ID.
(Inherited from GetHierarchyMembersOptionsBase.)
See Also