TransformData Class

The DTO class for Transform.
The DTO class for Transform.
The DTO class for Transform.
The DTO class for Transform.
The DTO class for Transform.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.WebApi.Models
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.WebApiCore (in Dundas.BI.WebApiCore.dll) Version: (
public class TransformData : BaseDataContract

The TransformData type exposes the following members.

Public methodTransformData
Initializes a new instance of the TransformData class.
Public propertyAdapterUIClassName
Gets a value indicating the name of the java script adapter class which is to be created for this transform.
Public propertyColor
Gets or sets the object color.
Public propertyComponentDescription
Gets the standard component description.
Public propertyComponentId
Gets the component ID.
Public propertyComponentName
Gets the standard component name.
Public propertyDataConnectorId
Gets or sets the data connector ID which the transform is retrieving it's data from.
Public propertyDataConnectorName
Gets or sets the name of the data connector for a SelectTransform.
Public propertyDataCubeId
Gets the parent entity.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the object description.
Public propertyElementParameters
Gets a list of element parameter values of this transform.
Public propertyExpression
Gets or sets a value for the expression of a provider expression transform.
Public propertyHasCustomConfigurationUI
Gets a value indicating whether this transform is using a custom configuration UI.
Public propertyHasWarnings
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has any warnings.
Public propertyHelpUri
Gets a URI to a web page which provides documentation about the transform.
Public propertyId
Gets the object ID.
Public propertyInputs
Gets the inputs.
Public propertyIsAvailableInToolbar
Gets a value indicating whether or not the transform will be available in the toolbar.
Public propertyIsConfigured
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is configured properly. When overriding, always check the value on the base class first.
Public propertyIsDoubleWidthDialog
Gets a value indicating whether this transform requires a double width UI dialog.
Public propertyIsDynamicInputSupported
Gets a value indicating whether this instance supports a dynamic number of inputs When true, all dynamic inputs get their settings from the primary transform input.
Public propertyIsInceptionTransform
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is an inception transform.
Public propertyIsInMemoryProcess
Gets a value indicating whether the current instance is executed as an in-memory process.
Public propertyIsInputConnectionValid
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has a valid input connection.
Public propertyIsOutputConnectionValid
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has a valid output connection.
Public propertyIsOutputElementParameterizable
Gets a value indicating whether the output elements for the current instance are parameterizable.
Public propertyIsProviderExpressionTransform
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this transform has a provider expression.
Public propertyIsProviderScriptingAllowed
Gets a value indicating whether this instance supports the definition of ProviderElementExpression.
Public propertyIsReplaceElementNamesSupported
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this supports replace element names.
Public propertyIsSelectStructureParameterSupported
Gets a value indicating whether SelectStructureParameter is supported.
Public propertyMappingConfiguration
Gets the mapping info used to flatten the incoming data.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the object name.
Public propertyNativeStructureName
Gets or sets the name of the data table for a SQLSelectTransform.
Public propertyNodeIconUri
Gets a value indicating the relative path to be used as the transform's node icon when rendered on the canvas.
Public propertyOutput
Gets the transform main output.
Public propertyPackageId
Gets the ID of the extension package to which the component belongs.
Public propertyParameters
Gets all the parameters defined for the current instance. These are either expression parameters or native structure parameters, if the current instance is a SelectTransform .
Public propertyPlaceholders
Gets the list of select transform placeholders.
Public propertyProcessingType
Gets the type of the processing.
Public propertySelectTransformExpressions
Gets the list of select transform expressions.
Public propertySettingValues
Gets the setting values for the current instance.
Public propertySourceStructureId
Gets or sets the source structure ID which the transform is retrieving it's data from.
Public propertySourceStructureName
Gets or sets the name of the source structure of a SelectTransform.
Public propertySourceStructureType
Gets or sets the type of the source structure.
Public propertySourceTableName
Gets or sets the name of the source table.
Public propertySupportsCollectionPlaceholders
Gets a value indicating whether this transform supports collection placeholders.
Public propertySupportsParameterizableOutputElements
Gets a value indicating whether the output elements for the current instance are parameterizable.
Public propertySupportsTransformExpressions
Gets a value indicating whether the current transform supports TransformExpressions that define the current instance functionality.
Public propertyToolbarIconUri
Gets a value indicating the relative path to be used as the transform's icon in the toolbar.
Public propertyTransformExpressions
Gets the transform expressions, if any are defined for the current transform.
Public propertyTransformSettings
Gets the transform generic settings.
Public propertyTransformType
Gets or sets the transform type.
Public propertyUIClassName
Gets or sets the name of the UI class (used for auto de-serialization).
(Inherited from BaseDataContract.)
Public propertyUserExpressions
Gets the list of select transform expressions.
Public propertyWarnings
Gets all the warnings currently associated with this instance.
Public methodStatic memberFromDataContractMappings
The mapping between the business object and the DTO.
Public methodStatic memberToDataContractMappings
The mapping between the business object and the DTO.
See Also