Constants Class

Constants used in the Web.Core assembly.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Web
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Web.Core (in Dundas.BI.Web.Core.dll) Version: (
public static class Constants

The Constants type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAdhocQueryStringKey
The key used in query string to specify this dashboard should be an adhoc dashboard.
Public fieldStatic memberClientIdCookieName
The name of the cookie used to store a unique ID for the client.
Public fieldStatic memberCodeLibraryScriptIdPrefix
The string that should be appended to the start of the ID of any code library script include.
Public fieldStatic memberCultureNameQueryStringKey
The key in the query string that can be used to supply the current name of the culture to use for localized strings.
Public fieldStatic memberCurrentDefaultViewUserDataKey
The name of the key in user data which stores the default view for the user when they log on, if any.
Public fieldStatic memberCurrentHomeLayoutUserDataKey
The name of the key in user data which stores their home screen layout.
Public fieldStatic memberCurrentProjectIdUserDataKey
The name of the key in user data which stores the project ID for the user.
Public fieldStatic memberDataDiscoveryPath
The URL path to the Data Discovery module, relative to the Symphony root URL.
Public fieldStatic memberEditQueryStringKey
The key used to specify edit mode.
Public fieldStatic memberIgnoreBuiltInResourcesQueryStringKey
The key used to specify that the built-in resource overrides should not be outputted when rendering the page.
Public fieldStatic memberLogOnTokenIdQueryStringKey
The key in the query string that is sometimes used to supply the log on token.
Public fieldStatic memberModelErrorTitleKey
The key used to specify the error title when a model state error occurs for log on.
Public fieldStatic memberParentIdQueryStringKey
The key used to specify the parent ID (for file upload).
Public fieldStatic memberProjectIdQueryStringKey
The key in the query string that is sometimes used to supply the current project.
Public fieldStatic memberQueryStringDataPrefixKey
The key that should be prefixed to any query string value which should not be passed through the URL during routing. Instead, this key will be passed via the headers. This is mainly used for keys which are known to be very long.
Public fieldStatic memberResourceIdQueryStringKey
The key used to specify the resource ID (for file upload) when updating an existing resource.
Public fieldStatic memberSessionIdCookieName
The name of the cookie used to store session ID.
Public fieldStatic memberSessionIdQueryStringKey
The key in the query string that is sometimes used to supply the session.
Public fieldStatic memberSessionTokenQueryStringKey
The key in the query string that may be used to supply a session token.
Public fieldStatic memberShortLinkQueryStringKey
The key used to specify the short link. This is typically auto-mapped by MVC through the link controller, but we also need to parse it out if there was data keys passed.
Public fieldStatic memberTemplateQueryStringKey
The key used in query string to specify this dashboard should be a template.
Public fieldStatic memberTenantIdCookieName
The name of the cookie used to store the ID of the tenant if the account logged in belongs to one.
Public fieldStatic memberTenantIdQueryStringKey
The key in the query string that can be used to supply the tenant ID of the specified client. Used with Tenant overrides.
Public fieldStatic memberViewOverridesQueryStringKey
The key used to specify view overrides in the query string.
Public fieldStatic memberViewParameterQueryStringValuePrefixKey
The prefix used for any query string value which is targeting a parameter value but isn't using the overrides serialized value.
Public fieldStatic memberViewPersonalizationShortLinkCategoryId
The short link category associated with view personalization short links.
Public fieldStatic memberWebModuleId
The module ID for the web application, used for localization and extensibility.
See Also