WebConfigSettingIds Class

The IDs of application configuration settings corresponding to WebModuleId.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Web
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Web.Core (in Dundas.BI.Web.Core.dll) Version: (
public static class WebConfigSettingIds

The WebConfigSettingIds type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAnonymousPassword
The account password to be used for anonymous logon.
Public fieldStatic memberAnonymousUserName
The account name to be used for anonymous logon. Leave empty if anonymous logon should not be enabled.
Public fieldStatic memberAutomaticWindowsLogOn
Automatic Windows Log On, or Single sign on (SSO) allows users to log on once on their workstation, and gain access to multiple systems without being prompted to log on again at each of the systems.
Public fieldStatic memberContentBundlingPolicy
Specifies the extent to which content files (e.g. JS, CSS) are bundled together. The value of this setting may need to be changed for diagnostic and/or debugging purposes.
Public fieldStatic memberContentSecurityPolicyFrameAncestors
To stop click-jacking, HTTP headers can be sent with every response to control where the application can be embedded in an iframe. This can be enabled by specifying 'self' to only allow embedding on the same domain, a space delimited list of domains with possible wildcard (such as https://*.test1domain.com:123 http://test2domain.com:456), or all (by using *). Note that the default value, which is not set, is equivalent to setting the property to * and will allow embedding in all domains. This should be used with care.
Public fieldStatic memberCrossOriginResourceSharingOrigins
To stop cross-domain attacks, JavaScript POST messages and REST calls are not allowed from non-originating domains. In various embedding scenarios, this can be enabled by specifying the comma delimited list of domain origins (such as http://test1domain.com:123, http://test2domain.com:456), or all (by using *). This should be used with care.
Public fieldStatic memberCultureDirection
Specifies the direction in which text should flow.
Public fieldStatic memberCustomLogOnPage
If a custom logon URL is specified, any user who accesses the logon page (for example, by logging out, or by session time-out) will be re-directed to the URL entered here instead.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultHomePageOnLogOn
The relative path to the page that any user will get when they log on to the application and their own default view is set to 'home' (i.e. not set).
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultTheme
The ID of the theme that should be applied to all Views and controls by default when they are being created.
Public fieldStatic memberDeleteOtherSessionsOnLogOn
Specifies whether an existing session should be deleted (if required) in order to make room for a new user to log on.
Public fieldStatic memberEnableAcceptLanguageCulture
If enabled, the Accept-Language (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept-Language) header is used to specify the current culture on the session.
Public fieldStatic memberEnableHttpResponseCompression
If enabled, the application will perform in-process compression of HTTP response data.
Public fieldStatic memberErrorReportRecipients
Specifies the recipients of error reports. If error reporting is disabled, this setting has no effect.
Public fieldStatic memberIsAutoSaveDisabled
If disabled, all views (Dashboard, Reports and Scorecards) will no longer auto-save at regular intervals while editing. Instead, a 'Save' button will be present to be used manually. They will still be saved in some situations, such as checking in, or switching to 'View'.
Public fieldStatic memberIsClickToCheckOutDisabled
If disabled, all pages will no longer auto check out while editing if the user clicks within the editable area. Users can still check out by using the button in the toolbar.
Public fieldStatic memberIsErrorSendingDisabled
Specifies whether the server errors that occur should not be allowed to be sent to Dundas by users. If set to , the "Send" button will no longer appear on error screens.
Public fieldStatic memberIsErrorsIgnored
Specifies whether the server errors that occur during application usage are ignored and not displayed. This is normally used for kiosk scenarios.
Public fieldStatic memberIsSplashScreenDisabled
Specifies whether the splash screen is shown during loading of views.
Public fieldStatic memberUIFileCacheMaximumCount
The maximum number of items to store in the UI file cache. Set to 0 to disable it.
Public fieldStatic memberUseDefaultHomeAlways
Override the home screen behavior to always re-direct the user to a custom home page or default view, if set.
See Also