IGroupServiceGetMembers Method

Retrieves the members of a group. There is an option indicating whether or not to include the inherited members.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.AccountServices
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
void GetMembers(
	Guid groupId,
	bool includeInherited,
	out IDictionary<Guid, bool> groupMembers,
	out IDictionary<Guid, bool> accountMembers


Type: SystemGuid
ID of the group.
Type: SystemBoolean
Whether to include the inherited members.
Type: System.Collections.GenericIDictionaryGuid, Boolean
When this method returns, contains a dictionary specifying the groups which are members of the specified group. The key is the ID of the group and the value indicates if the group is an explicit member of the specified group ( if it is an explicit member; otherwise, ).
Type: System.Collections.GenericIDictionaryGuid, Boolean
When this method returns, contains a dictionary specifying the accounts which are members of the specified group. The key is the ID of the account and the value indicates if the account is an explicit member of the specified group ( if it is an explicit member; otherwise, ).
ArgumentExceptiongroupId is Empty.
NotFoundExceptionThe group with the specified ID does not exist.
InvalidOperationException An attempt was made to get the members of the Everyone group or a built-in seat-specific group.

The caller does not have system administration privileges.


The group is associated with a project, and the caller does not have administration privileges for that project.


The group is associated with a tenant, and the caller does not have administration privileges for that tenant.

InvalidSessionExceptionThe caller context is not associated with a valid session.
If includeInherited is , the value of each item in the dictionary will be .
See Also