Dundas.BI.AccountServices Namespace

Public classAccount
An entity representing an authorized user of the system.
Public classAccountInfo
Represents minimal information about an Account.
Public classAccountInfoQueryFilterRule
Represents a filter expression used when querying for account information.
Public classCode exampleAccountQueryFilterRule
Represents a filter expression used when querying for accounts.
Public classAccountRegistrationRequest
Represents a request to create a new account in the system.
Public classAccountServicesConstants
Constants pertaining to functionality in the Dundas.BI.AccountServices namespace.
Public classAccountTypeExtensions
Extension methods for the AccountType enumeration.
Public classActiveDirectoryException
The exception that is thrown when there is an error reading Active Directory.
Public classApplicationPrivilegeIds
IDs of core application privileges.
Public classCreatingSessionEventArgs
The event data corresponding to CreatingSession.
Public classCode exampleCustomAttributeInfo
Represents a custom attribute definition.
Public classCustomAttributeReferences
Represents references to custom attribute.
Public classCode exampleCustomAttributeValue
The value of a custom attribute.
Public classDeleteItemResult
Describes the result of a delete operation.
Public classDynamicAccountProperties
Contains properties of an account which may frequently change.
Public classDynamicSessionProperties
Contains properties of a session which change frequently.
Public classExternalAccount
The base class for external (i.e. non-local) accounts.
Public classExternalGroupAccount
Represents an external group account.
Public classExternalUserAccount
Represents an external user account.
Public classGetAccountsAsCsvOptions
The options class used for getting accounts as CSV.
Public classGetLogOnTokenResult
Describes the result of an attempt to create a logon token.
Public classGroup
Represents a named collection of account and other groups.
Public classGroupInfoQueryFilterRule
Represents a filter expression used when querying for accounts.
Public classGroupQueryFilterRule
Represents a filter expression used when querying for accounts.
Public classInheritanceConflictException
The exception that is thrown when an effective value couldn't be computed due to an inheritance conflict.
Public classCode exampleLocalUserAccount
An account that represents a user whose credentials and description are managed by the Dundas BI application.
Public classLogOnAccountProperties
Specifies properties that should be used when creating/updating an account during logon.
Public classLogOnCredentialIds
Identifiers of standard logon credential types.
Public classLogOnHistoryQueryFilterRule
Represents a filter expression used when querying for logon history records.
Public classLogOnHistoryRecord
Represents a record of somebody logging onto the application.
Public classLogOnParameters
Specifies authentication parameters for creating a logon token or logon session.
Public classLogOnResult
Describes the result of a logon operation.
Public classLogOnResultBase
Describes the result of an authentication operation.
Public classMemberInfo
Represents minimal information about an Account or Group.
Public classMembershipBaseObject
The base object for membership objects (accounts and groups).
Public classPrivilege
Represents permission to perform an operation.
Public classPrivilegeAssignment
Represents the assignment of a privilege to an assignee.
Public classPrivilegeProperties
Class used to supply information when registering a new privilege.
Public classRemovingAccountFromTenantsEventArgs
Contains data corresponding to an account being removed from a tenant.
Public classSession
Represents a logon session.
Public classSessionCreationParameters
Represents the properties of a session which is about to be created.
Public classSessionImpersonatingException
The exception that is thrown when the caller context is associated with a session which can't be used because it is currently impersonating an account.
Public classSessionKeepAliveEventArgs
The event data corresponding to SessionKeepAlive.
Public classSessionQueryFilterRule
Represents a filter expression used when querying for sessions.
Public classSetPasswordOptions
Specifies options when changing a user's password
Public classTerminatingSessionEventArgs
The event data corresponding to TerminatingSession.
Public classCode exampleWindowsGroupAccount
An account representing a Windows group.
Public classCode exampleWindowsUserAccount
An account that represents a user whose credentials and description are managed by Windows.
Public structureLogOnCredential
A credential provided by a local user during the logon process.
Public interfaceIAccountRegistrationService
Provides methods for submitting and approving account registration requests.
Public interfaceIAccountService
Methods for performing operations on accounts.
Public interfaceICustomAttributeService
Methods for performing operations on custom attribute.
Public interfaceIGroupService
Methods for performing operations on Groups.
Public interfaceILogOnService
Provides methods related to logging onto the application.
Public interfaceIPrivilegeService
Methods for performing operations on privilege.
Public interfaceISessionService
Methods for performing session-related operations.
Public enumerationAccountInfoQueryField
Properties that can be used to query for accounts.
Public enumerationCode exampleAccountQueryField
Properties that can be used to query for accounts.
Public enumerationAccountType
Account types.
Public enumerationActiveDirectoryApi
Specifies APIs which may be used to access Active Directory.
Public enumerationCustomAttributeInheritanceBehavior
Specifies inheritance behaviors for multi-value custom attributes.
Public enumerationGroupInfoQueryField
Properties that can be used to query for groups.
Public enumerationGroupKind
Specifies possible kinds of groups.
Public enumerationGroupQueryField
Properties that can be used to query for groups.
Public enumerationLogOnFailureReason
Possible reasons for a logon failure.
Public enumerationLogOnHistoryQueryField
Properties which can be used to query for logon history records.
Public enumerationLogOnModes
Specifies ways in which users are permitted to log on to the application.
Public enumerationMemberInfoKind
Specifies the kinds of items represented by a MemberInfo.
Public enumerationPrivilegeAssigneeKind
The type of assignee to which an object-specific Privilege is granted or denied.
Public enumerationPrivilegeAssignmentKind
The kind of privilege assignment.
Public enumerationPrivilegeTraits
Specifies attributes of a Privilege.
Public enumerationPrivilegeVisibility
Specifies the visibility level for an application privileges in a user interface.
Public enumerationSessionImpersonationKind
Specifies the type of impersonation associated with a session.
Public enumerationSessionKind
Specifies possible kinds of sessions.
Public enumerationSessionQueryField
Properties that can be used to query for sessions.
Public enumerationSessionTerminationReason
Specifies reasons why a session was terminated.
Public enumerationWindowsNameFormat
Specifies the formats for Windows user account names.