Dundas.BI.Data.Metadata.Olap Namespace

Public classOlapCube
OLAP cube object.
Public classOlapDimension
OLAP dimension class.
Public classOlapElement
Base class for OLAP structural elements.
Public classOlapException
Class that represents the OLAP-specific exceptions.
Public classOlapHierarchy
Class that encapsulates an OLAP hierarchy object.
Public classOlapKpi
Public classOlapLevel
Class that represents an OLAP level for a specific hierarchy.
Public classOlapMeasure
Class that represents an OLAP measure.
Public classOlapMember
Class that represents an OLAP member.
Public classOlapMetadataObjectCreatedEventArgsTObject
Event data for all events fired when a metadata object is created.
Public classOlapNamedSet
Class represents named set object.
Public classOlapTimeHierarchy
Class that encapsulates an OLAP hierarchy object mapped to calendar.
Public classOlapTimeLevel
Represents OLAP time level.
Public classOlapTimeMember
Class represents an OLAP member object with time information.
Public interfaceICoordinateProvider
Coordinate provider for OLAP actions.
Public interfaceIOlapCube
Interface for OLAP cubes.
Public interfaceIOlapCubeService
Interface for service providing functionality for OlapCube objects.
Public interfaceIOlapMemberContainer
Interface for OLAP member containers.
Public enumerationOlapAggregationType
Aggregation enumeration for OLAP.
Public enumerationOlapCoordinateType
The OLAP coordinate types.
Public enumerationOlapDimensionType
Enumeration used for OLAP dimension types.
Public enumerationOlapHierarchyOriginType
Enumeration for the supported OLAP hierarchy origin types.