IOlapCube Interface

Interface for OLAP cubes.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.Metadata.Olap
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IOlapCube : IAnalysisStructure, 
	IStructure, IDataWarnings

The IOlapCube type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCacheExpiration
Gets a value indicating the time length for caching the results queried from the current instance.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public propertyCaption
Gets or sets the localized caption.
Public propertyCubeDescriptor
Gets the cube descriptor.
Public propertyDataConnector
Gets the data connector.
Public propertyDataProvider
Gets the data provider.
Public propertyDateMappingCollection
Gets the date mappings.
Public propertyDefaultMeasure
Gets the default measure of the cube.
Public propertyDefaultMeasureName
Gets or sets the default measure name.
Public propertyDescription
Gets the description of the structure.
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyDimensions
Gets the cube dimensions.
Public propertyHasWarnings
Gets a value indicating whether this instance,or one of its dependencies, has warnings.
(Inherited from IDataWarnings.)
Public propertyHierarchies
Gets the hierarchies.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public propertyId
Gets the parent entity ID.
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyIsAutoGenerated
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is auto generated.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public propertyItem
Gets the cube property with the specified name.
Public propertyKpis
Gets the KPIs.
Public propertyMeasureGroups
Gets the measure groups.
Public propertyMeasures
Gets the measures.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public propertyMeasuresUniqueName
Gets or sets the measures root unique name.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the structure.
(Inherited from IStructure.)
Public propertyNamedSets
Gets the cube named sets.
Public propertyObjectType
Gets the type of the analysis structure.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public propertyParameters
Gets the parameters defined for the current instance.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public propertyProcessDate
Gets the process date.
Public propertyProperties
Gets the cube properties.
Public propertyQueryHints
Gets the optional query hints the structure may support.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public propertySecurityHierarchies
Gets the data security hierarchies.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public propertyWarnings
Gets the warnings for the current instance, as well as for any dependency objects.
(Inherited from IDataWarnings.)
Public methodConfigureDataSecurityHierarchy
Configures the specified hierarchy as a data security hierarchy.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public methodFindHierarchy
Finds the hierarchy by its unique name.
Public methodFindLevel
Finds a hierarchy level by its unique name.
Public methodFindMember
Finds the member by its unique name.
Public methodGetAnalysisElement
Gets the requested IAnalysisElement by its unique name.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public methodGetHierarchy
Gets the requested IHierarchy by its unique name.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public methodGetMeasure
Gets the requested IMeasure by its unique name.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public methodRefreshTimeHierarchies
Refreshes the time hierarchies.
Public methodResetDataSecurityHierarchy
Resets the data security hierarchy as a standard hierarchy.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public methodTryGetAnalysisElement
Tries to get the requested IAnalysisElement by its unique name.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public methodTryGetHierarchy
Tries to get the requested IHierarchy by its unique name.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
Public methodTryGetMeasure
Tries to get the requested IMeasure by its unique name.
(Inherited from IAnalysisStructure.)
See Also