Dundas.BI.Transfer Namespace

Public classAccountTransferItem
Represents an account transfer item.
Public classAppResourceTransferItem
Represents an app resource transfer item.
Public classAppSettingTransferItem
Represents an app setting transfer item.
Public classAppSettingTransferSpec

Represents a specifier of the application configuration setting.

Public classCustomAttributeTransferItem
Represents a Custom Attribute transfer item.
Public classExportConfig
Represents the configuration of an export.
Public classExportConfigInfo
Represents a lightweight export configuration information.
Public classFileSystemEntryTransferItem
Represents a file system entry transfer item.
Public classGroupTransferItem
Represents a group transfer item.
Public classImportConfig
Represents an import configuration.
Public classNotificationTransferItem
Represents a notification transfer item.
Public classPublishHistoryTransferItem
Represents a publish history transfer item.
Public classTenantTransferItem
Represents a file system entry transfer item.
Public classTransferEventArgs
Provides data for the transfer-related events.
Public classTransferFailureReasonComparer
This comparer always puts Aborted to the end. Other reasons follows their order in TransferFailureReason.
Public classTransferFileInfo
Represents a light weight version of a transfer file which allows a user to see the items to be imported.
Public classTransferItem
An object representing a transfer item with Guid ID.
Public classTransferItemBaseTId
A base class representing a transfer item.
Public classTransferItemResult
Represents the result of a transfer of an item.
Public classTransferResult
Represents an object describing the result of a transfer operation.
Public interfaceITransferService
Methods for performing operations on import and export.
Public enumerationEntityTransferVersionPolicy
The transfer policy of entity data applied to an import or export.
Public enumerationGroupMembershipTransferPolicy
The transfer policy of group membership data applied to an import.
Public enumerationTransferFailureReason
Specifies possible results of a transfer operation corresponding to an individual item.
Public enumerationTransferFileSource
Specifies possible source of a transfer file.
Public enumerationTransferItemResultStatus
The transfer item result status.
Public enumerationTransferItemSelectionKind
The kind of selection of a transfer item.