TransferFailureReason Enumeration

Specifies possible results of a transfer operation corresponding to an individual item.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Transfer
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum TransferFailureReason
  Member nameValueDescription
None-1 The operation was successful.
UnknownFailure0 The operation failed for an unknown reason.
NotFound1 The item could not be transferred because it does not exist.
NeverCheckedIn2 The item could not be exported because it has never been checked-in.
UndoCheckoutFailure3 The item could not be transferred because the "undo check-out" operation of this item fails.
InvalidUserProjectImport4 The item could not be imported because it violates the user project structure.
DataImportFailure5 The item could not be imported because there was a failure importing its associated data.
ImportFailure6 The item failed to be imported. See Message for details.
ExportFailure7 The item failed to be exported. See Message for details.
Aborted8 No attempt was made to transfer the item due to other failures.
TargetProtected9 The target item is protected and cannot be overwritten.
Recycled10 The item could not be exported because it is recycled.
ReferencingInactiveEntry11 The item is referencing an inactive entry.
ReferencingRecycledEntry12 The item is referencing a recycled entry.
ReferencingEntryRevisionMissing13 The referencing entry revision is missing.
See Also