AccountServicesConstants Class

Constants pertaining to functionality in the Dundas.BI.AccountServices namespace.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.AccountServices
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public static class AccountServicesConstants

The AccountServicesConstants type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberAccountNamePatternMaxLength
The maximum length of a tenant's account name pattern.
Public fieldStatic memberAdministratorAccountId
The ID of the built-in administrator account.
Public fieldStatic memberAdministratorsGroupId
The ID of the built-in System Administrators group.
Public fieldStatic memberAuthBridgeSubPath
The URL path element for the federated authentication module.
Public fieldStatic memberDataDiscoverySessionIdCookieName
The name of the cookie corresponding to the session ID used for the Data Discovery module.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultAdministratorAccountName
The default name for the built-in administrator account.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultAdministratorsGroupName
The default name for the System Administrators group.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultEveryoneGroupName
The default name for the Everyone group.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultGlobalUsersGroupName
The default name for the Global Users group.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultTenantAdminsGroupName
The default name for Tenant Administrators groups.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultViewCustomAttributeId
The ID of the custom attribute used to store the default view for an account or group.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultViewCustomAttributeName
The name of the custom attribute corresponding to DefaultViewCustomAttributeId.
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultViewUserDataKey
The name of the user data key corresponding to the ID of the default view for the user when they log on.
Public fieldStatic memberDevelopersGroupId
The ID of the built-in Developers group.
Public fieldStatic memberEveryoneGroupId
The ID of the built-in Everyone group.
Public fieldStatic memberGlobalUsersGroupId
The ID of the built-in Global Users group.
Public fieldStatic memberPowerUsersGroupId
The ID of the built-in Power Users group.
Public fieldStatic memberServerOnlyUserDataKeyPrefix
The prefix used on a user data key which indicates it should not be sent to the client during contract serialization on UserData property.
Public fieldStatic memberStandardUsersGroupId
The ID of the built-in Standard Users group.
Public fieldStatic memberSystemServiceAccountId
The ID of the built-in system service account.
Public fieldStatic memberTenantIdOverrideKey
A key used to specify the value of a tenant ID override.
Public fieldStatic memberWebAppSessionIdCookieName
The name of the cookie corresponding to the session ID for the Dundas BI web application.
See Also