Session Class

Represents a logon session.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.AccountServices
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class Session

The Session type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccountDisplayName
Gets the display name of the Account associated with the session.
Public propertyAccountId
Gets the ID of the Account associated with the session.
Public propertyAccountName
Gets the unique name of the Account associated with the session.
Public propertyAllowedIPAddresses
Gets the allowed IP addresses and ranges of the session.
Public propertyApplicationPrivilegeIds
Gets the IDs of application privileges effectively granted to the session.
Public propertyCreatedTime
Gets the time (UTC) the Session was created.
Public propertyCulture
Gets the culture associated with the session.
Public propertyCustomAttributes
Gets the effective custom attributes associated with the session.
Public propertyDataDiscoverySessionId
Gets the value of the session ID used to access the Data Discovery module.
Public propertyExternalGroupAccountMembershipIds
Gets the IDs of non-Windows external group accounts which contain the account associated with the session.
Public propertyFederatedAuthenticationProviderId
Gets the ID of the federated authentication provider which created the session.
Public propertyGroupMembershipIds
Gets the IDs of groups which contain the account associated with the session.
Public propertyId
Gets the unique identifier of the session.
Public propertyImpersonationKind
Gets the impersonation kind of the current session.
Public propertyImpersonationSessionId
Gets the ID of the session which is being impersonated or which was used to impersonate this session.
Public propertyIsAdministrator
Gets a value indicating whether the session has system administrator privileges.
Public propertyIsAnonymousAccount
Gets a value indicating whether the session represents the anonymous account.
Public propertyIsApiAccount
Gets a value indicating whether the session corresponds to an API account.
Public propertyIsSeatReserved
Gets a value indicating whether the session corresponds to a reserved seat.
Public propertyIsTenantAdministrator
Gets a value indicating whether the session has administrative privileges for the associated tenant.
Public propertyIsWindowsAccount
Gets a value indicating whether the session corresponds to a Windows account.
Public propertyLogOnToken
Gets the log on token of the session.
Public propertySeatKind
Gets the kind of seat associated with the session.
Public propertySeatPoolId
Gets the ID of the tenant whose seat pool was used to create the session.
Public propertySessionKind
Gets the kind of the session.
Public propertyTenantExpiryDate
Gets the date when the tenant expires.
Public propertyTenantId
Gets the ID of the tenant associated with the session.
Public propertyTimeZone
Gets the time zone associated with the session.
Public propertyUserData
Gets the user data associated with the session.
Public propertyWindowsGroupAccountMembershipIds
Gets the IDs of windows group accounts which contain the account associated with the session.
Public methodDemandAdministrator
Requires that the session has system administration privileges.
Public methodDemandPrivilege
Requires that the specified application privilege is granted to the session.
Public methodGetCustomAttributeValues
Gets the values of the custom attribute with the specified name.
Public methodGetGroupNames
Gets the names of all groups associated with the session.
Public methodHasPrivilege
Determines whether the session has the specified application privilege.
See Also