BatchCellset Class

The data result cell set.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.DataRetrieval
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class BatchCellset : Cellset

The BatchCellset type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBatch
Gets the batch information for the current instance.
Public propertyCacheCubePrefix
Gets a value to be used in requesting different result pages. The value is meant to make the probability of a cache hit as high as possible.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyCells
Gets the data cells for the current instance.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyCollapsedSets
Gets the collapsed sets.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyColumns
Gets the column axis tuples.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyColumnTupleCount
Gets or sets the total number of column tuples, including columns not included because of paging or shaping.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyDataStamp
Gets the data stamp information.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyDynamicElementMappings
Gets the mapping information about which actual elements were used to fulfill the dynamic elements from the request.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyElementStatistics
Gets the element statistics, if any are requested.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyExpandedSets
Gets the expanded sets.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyHasCollapsedMembers
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has collapsed members.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyHasExpandedMembers
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has expanded members.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the DataCell with the specified column ordinal.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyRequest
Gets the associated data request.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyRows
Gets the row axis tuples.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyRowTupleCount
Gets or sets the total number of row tuples, including rows not included because of paging or shaping.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyTopHierarchyLevels
Gets the requested top level depths by hierarchy name.
(Inherited from Cellset.)
Public propertyTotalsColumns
Gets the grand totals columns, when totals are requested.
(Overrides CellsetTotalsColumns.)
Public propertyTotalsRows
Gets the grand totals rows, when totals are requested.
(Overrides CellsetTotalsRows.)
See Also