Dundas.BI.Data.DataRetrieval Namespace

Public classBatchCellset
The data result cell set.
Public classBatchedClientRequest
Class that encapsulates a batched client data request and the associated options. A batched request expect the resulting data to be sliced into multiple results, one for each batched control or adapter.
Public classBatchedDataRetrievalContext
Class used to provide the pointer for a specific batched request result.
Public classBatchedDataStatisticsContext
Class used to provide the pointer for a specific collection of data regions statistics.
Public classBatchedResult
Class that represents the batched result for a data retrieval operation.
Public classBatchInfo
Class that contains batch information necessary for slicing the data into multiple results, when servicing a BatchedClientRequest.
Public classCellset
The base class for data result cell sets.
Public classClientHierarchyLevelSorting
Class used for specifying the sorting behavior for an axis hierarchy level when data is retrieved.
Public classClientHierarchyOverrides
Class used to model client overrides for a MetricSet hierarchy usage element.
Public classClientMeasureOverrides
Class used to model client overrides for a MetricSet measure element.
Public classClientOverrides
Class used to model client specific overrides used in data retrieval operations.
Public classClientRequest
Class that encapsulates a client data request and the associated options.
Public classClientRequestBase
Class that encapsulates a client data request and the associated options.
Public classClientTopBottomOverrides
Class used to model top / bottom overrides for a specific data request.
Public classCredentialContext
Represents a context under which data source credentials are valid.
Public classDataCell
The class encapsulates a data result cell.
Public classDataCellset
The data result cell set.
Public classDataRegion
Class used to represent a data cell region defined within a cellset result.
Public classDataRegionDateTimeRange
Class that represents a DataRegion range defined by using a time hierarchy values.
Public classDataRegionNumericRange
Class that represents a DataRegion range defined using the values of a IMeasure.
Public classDataRegionOrdinals
Class used to model DataCellset ordinal coordinates for a DataRegion.
Public classDataRegionRangeT
Class used to represent a coordinate range for the purpose of defining a DataRegion.
Public classDataRequest
Class that is used to model a data retrieval request, with all the associated parameter, overrides and options.
Public classDataResult
Class that represents the result for a data retrieval operation.
Public classDataRetrievalContext
Class used to provide the pointer for a specific request result.
Public classDataRetrievalProgress
Class used to report data retrieval progress information.
Public classDataStamp
Class that encapsulated various timestamps for a specific DataCellset.
Public classDataStatisticsContext
Class used to provide the pointer for a specific collection of data regions statistics.
Public classDataTuple
The class that encapsulates data axis information.
Public classElementOverrides
Base class used for modeling AnalysisElementUsage data retrieval overrides.
Public classElementRequest
The base class used to store data request information for a specific analysis element.
Public classGroupCancellationToken
Class used to convey cancelling instructions for the recipient delegate.
Public classGroupProgressIndicator
Class used to convey progress information on the recipient delegate.
Public classHierarchyOverrides
Class used to model request overrides for a MetricSet hierarchy usage element.
Public classHierarchyRequest
The class used to store data retrieval request information for a hierarchy.
Public classInMemoryCubeNotBuiltException
Error that occurs when attempting to process a data request for an in-memory cube that has not been built.
Public classInvalidAggregatorCellException
Exception that occurs when the system is trying to use the incorrect aggregator Cell.
Public classInvalidAttributeException
Exception related to data retrieval operation performed with invalid attribute definition.
Public classInvalidDataCubeException
Exception that occurs when the user tries to request data from a DataCube that is invalid or incompatible due to changes.
Public classInvalidDataRetrievalEntityException
Exception that occurs when the user tries to request data for an entity that does not support direct data retrieval.
Public classInvalidDynamicHierarchyValueException
Exception that occurs when the user select a dynamic hierarchy value that is already defined in the MetricSet.
Public classInvalidFormulaException
Exception that occurs when the formula metric computation fails.
Public classInvalidOutputElementParameterException
Exception that occurs when the current SelectTransform has output element parameters defined, while data connector changes invalidate the support for such parameters.
Public classInvalidQueryException
Exception that occurs when the reader processor cannot correctly query data.
Public classInvalidRaggedHierarchyLinkException
Exception that occurs when the user tries to request data from a DataCube that is invalid or incompatible due to changes.
Public classInvalidSecurityAttributeException
Exception that occurs when the user tries to request data from a DataCube that is invalid or incompatible due to changes.
Public classMaximumResultSizeException
Error that occurs when attempting to process a result that is larger than the allowable limit.
Public classMeasureMember
Class used to encapsulate information about a measure to be used in a DataCellset.
Public classMeasureOverrides
Class used to model overrides for a MetricSet measure element.
Public classMeasureRequest
The class used to store data retrieval request information for a measure.
Public classOptimizerResult
Class used for storing the data retrieval optimization analysis result.
Public classPlaceholderTransformException
Exception that occurs when the user requests data from a DataCube containing one or more PlaceholderTransform s.
Public classProgressInfo
Class used to encapsulate data retrieval progress information.
Public classRequestOptions
Class that encapsulated additional data retrieval options requested by the client. These options are not changing the queried data; they just request additional information to be send to the client.
Public classRequestOverrides
Class used to hold query specific overrides used in data retrieval operations.
Public classRequestResult
The base class for the data retrieval operation results.
Public classResultPaging
Class used to set up paging options for data results.
Public classResultShaping
Class that encapsulated data retrieval options meant to change the shape of the queried data.
Public classStatisticsResult
Class that represents the result of a data statistics request.
Public classTotalsSettings
Class that describes the visual settings for result totals.
Public classTransformException
Exception that occurs when a scripted element computation fails.
Public classTransformReader
Class used for retrieving transform data.
Public classWarehouseBuildException
Exception that occurs when the server receives a data request for an warehouse object that has not been built.
Public interfaceIDataRetrievalService
Interface for data retrieval functionality.
Public interfaceITransformReader
Interface for data readers.
Public enumerationDataRetrievalFormat
Enumeration used to qualify the type of result expected from a data retrieval operation.
Public enumerationPagingKind
The supported paging options for the data result.
Public enumerationResultType
The supported data result types.