HierarchyRequest Class

The class used to store data retrieval request information for a hierarchy.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.DataRetrieval
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public class HierarchyRequest : ElementRequest

The HierarchyRequest type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDetailsLevel
Gets the requested hierarchy rendered level.
Public propertyFilterParameterValue
Gets the filter parameter value.
(Inherited from ElementRequest.)
Public propertyHierarchy
Gets the underlying hierarchy.
Public propertyIsProviderSorted
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data provider applied sorting, if requested for this element. This property is not intended to be used directly from your code, unless you are implementing a custom data provider.
(Inherited from ElementRequest.)
Public propertyIsSorted
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is sorted.
(Overrides ElementRequestIsSorted.)
Public propertyIsUnknownMemberCaptionBlank
Gets a value indicating whether the unknown member caption is blank.
Public propertyLevelParameterValue
Gets the rendered level parameter value.
Public propertyPlacement
Gets the element placement.
(Inherited from ElementRequest.)
Public propertyRetrieveUnknownMembers
Gets a value indicating whether unknown members should be retrieved or not.
Public propertyShownTotals
Gets the type of totals to be displayed for the current instance.
Public propertySortPolicy
Gets the sorting behavior for the current hierarchy.
Public propertyTopLevel
Gets the requested hierarchy top ancestry level.
Public propertyUniqueName
Gets the element unique name.
(Inherited from ElementRequest.)
Public propertyUnknownMemberCaption
Gets the override for the unknown member caption.
See Also