ITokenService Interface

Service interface for token retrieval.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.Parameters.Tokens
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface ITokenService

The ITokenService type exposes the following members.

Public methodCreateGlobalDataToken
Creates a new global data token based on the specified data source element.
Public methodCreateTenantDataToken
Creates a new tenant data token based on the specified data source element.
Public methodDelete
Deletes the specified token.
Public methodGetParameterTokens
Gets the parameter tokens that are appropriate for the specified parameter options.
Public methodGetToken
Gets the token by its ID.
Public methodGetTokenEntityIds
Gets the entity IDs using specified token.
Public methodGetVisibleTokens
Gets the definitions of all tokens visible to the caller, filtered by project ID.
Public methodPromoteToGlobal
Promotes existing project or account token to global.
Public methodResolveToken(Guid, Int32, TokenDisplayTypes)
Resolves the token to display in the UI.
Public methodResolveToken(Guid, Int32, TokenDisplayTypes, IHierarchy)
Resolves the token to display in the UI.
Public methodSave
Saves the specified token.
Public methodTokenQuery
Gets the tokens corresponding to the query criteria.
Public methodTokenQueryCount
Gets the number of tokens corresponding to the query criteria.
See Also