Dundas.BI.Data.Parameters.Tokens Namespace

Public classAttributeToken
Attribute based parameter token definition.
Public classBasicToken
Basic token definition.
Public classDataToken
Data based parameter token definition.
Public classInvalidTimeHierarchyTokenException
The exception that is thrown when a time token is incompatible with the selected time hierarchy.
Public classNamedSetToken
Token definition based on user specified values for a specific hierarchy.
Public classParameterToken
Parameter token instance.
Public classPredefinedToken
Predefined parameter token.
Public classScriptToken
Script-based parameter token definition.
Public classTimeToken
Token which resolves to a value relative to the current date/time.
Public classTokenDefinition
Base class for token definitions used in defining a ParameterValue.
Public classTokenNotResolvableException
The exception that is thrown when a token is not resolvable.
Public classTokenQueryFilterRule
Represents a filter expression used when querying for token definitions.
Public interfaceITokenService
Service interface for token retrieval.
Public enumerationTokenCategory
Enumeration used to qualify the parameter token category.
Public enumerationTokenDataCategory
Used to define the data rule for data based tokens.
Public enumerationTokenDisplayTypes
Used to filter the tokens to display on the UI control.
Public enumerationTokenOwnerKind
Specifies the kind of object which can be the owner of a token.
Public enumerationTokenQueryField
Properties that can be used to query for tokens.