PredefinedToken Class

Predefined parameter token.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Data.Parameters.Tokens
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public static class PredefinedToken

The PredefinedToken type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAccountDisplayNameAttribute
Gets token representing the current session account display name.
Public propertyStatic memberAccountEmailAttribute
Gets token representing the current session account e-mail.
Public propertyStatic memberAccountIdAttribute
Gets token representing the current session account ID.
Public propertyStatic memberAccountNameAttribute
Gets token representing the current session account name.
Public propertyStatic memberAll
Gets a cached, read-only instance of the All token.
Public propertyStatic memberAllMembers
Gets a cached, read-only instance of the All Members token.
Public propertyStatic memberBeginningOfCurrentDay
Gets the token used to represent the first day of the current day.
Public propertyStatic memberBeginningOfCurrentMonth
Gets the token used to represent the first day of the current month.
Public propertyStatic memberBeginningOfCurrentQuarter
Gets the token used to represent the first day of the current quarter.
Public propertyStatic memberBeginningOfCurrentWeek
Gets the token used to represent the first day of the current week.
Public propertyStatic memberBeginningOfCurrentYear
Gets the token used to represent the first day of the current year.
Public propertyStatic memberCultureNameAttribute
Gets token representing the current session culture name.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrentDateTime
Gets the token used to represent the current date and time.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrentDay
Gets the token used to represent the current day.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrentMonth
Gets the token used to represent the current month.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrentQuarter
Gets the token used to represent the current quarter.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrentWeek
Gets the token used to represent the current week.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrentYear
Gets the token used to represent the current year.
Public propertyStatic memberDefault
Gets a cached, read-only instance of the Default token.
Public propertyStatic memberEndOfCurrentDay
Gets the token used to represent the first day of the next day.
Public propertyStatic memberEndOfCurrentMonth
Gets the token used to represent the first day of the next month.
Public propertyStatic memberEndOfCurrentQuarter
Gets the token used to represent the first day of the next quarter.
Public propertyStatic memberEndOfCurrentWeek
Gets the token used to represent the first day of the next week.
Public propertyStatic memberEndOfCurrentYear
Gets the token used to represent the first day of the next year.
Public propertyStatic memberLast30Days
Gets the token used to represent the last 30 days period.
Public propertyStatic memberLast60Days
Gets the token used to represent the last 60 days period.
Public propertyStatic memberLast90Days
Gets the token used to represent the last 90 days period.
Public propertyStatic memberLeafMembers
Gets a cached, read-only instance of the Leaf Members token.
Public propertyStatic memberMonthToDate
Gets the token used to represent the current month to date period.
Public propertyStatic memberNoSelection
Gets a cached, read-only instance of the No Selection token.
Public propertyStatic memberNull
Gets a cached, read-only instance of the Null token.
Public propertyStatic memberOpenRangeBoundary
Gets a cached, read-only instance of the Open Range Boundary token.
Public propertyStatic memberPreviousDay
Gets the token used to represent the previous day (yesterday).
Public propertyStatic memberPreviousMonth
Gets the token used to represent the previous month.
Public propertyStatic memberPreviousQuarter
Gets the token used to represent the previous quarter.
Public propertyStatic memberPreviousYear
Gets the token used to represent the previous year.
Public propertyStatic memberQuarterToDate
Gets the token used to represent the current quarter to date period.
Public propertyStatic memberSessionIdAttribute
Gets token representing the current session ID.
Public propertyStatic memberTenantIdAttribute
Gets token representing the current session tenant ID.
Public propertyStatic memberTimeZoneIdAttribute
Gets token representing the current session time zone ID.
Public propertyStatic memberYearToDate
Gets the token used to represent the current year to date period.
See Also