IMetricSetService Interface

Interface for service providing functionality for MetricSet objects.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Entities.MetricSets
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public interface IMetricSetService : IEntityService<MetricSet>

The IMetricSetService type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddAllElements
Adds all the compatible elements from the underlying IAnalysisStructure to the specified placement axis, then saves the metric set.
Public methodAddCalculatedMeasure
Adds a new calculated measure to the metric set, based on the specified statement and placeholders, and saves the metric set.
Public methodAddCountMeasure
Adds an count measure to the given metric set and saves the metric set.
Public methodAddElement
Adds an AnalysisElementUsage element to the given metric set and saves it.
Public methodAddMeasure
Adds a MeasureUsage element to the given metric set and saves it.
Public methodAddParallelPeriodMeasure
Adds a Parallel Period measure to the given metric set and saves the metric set.
Public methodAddParallelSlicerMeasure
Adds a Parallel Slicer measure to the given metric set and saves the metric set.
Public methodAddReplaceHierarchy
Adds or replaces a HierarchyUsage element to the metric set and saves it. It promotes the implicit hierarchy to the specified external hierarchy and sets the rendered top level.
Public methodAddStateGroup
Adds the state group to the metric set and then saves the metric set.
Public methodAddTopBottomSettings
Adds top/bottom settings to the metric set and then saves the metric set.
Public methodAddTotalsCalculationRule(MeasureUsage, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Adds the totals calculation rule for the specified measure element.
Public methodAddTotalsCalculationRule(MeasureUsage, CellsetAxis, String, Boolean, Boolean)
Adds the totals calculation rule for the specified measure element.
Public methodChangeElementPlacement
Changes the metric set element placement within the metric set, and saves the metric set.
Public methodGenerateDataInputMetricSet
Creates and saves a MetricSet that allows user data input.
Public methodGenerateFormulaMetricSet(Guid, IEnumerableMetricSetUsage, IEnumerableString, PersistencePolicy)
Generates a new FormulaMetricSet entity, by using the provided formula statements. The placeholders are generated using the elements of the dependent metric set usage objects.
Public methodGenerateFormulaMetricSet(Guid, IEnumerableMetricSetUsage, String, PersistencePolicy)
Generates a new FormulaMetricSet entity, by using the provided formula statement. The placeholders are generated using the elements of the dependent metric set usage objects.
Public methodGenerateMetricSet(Guid, Guid, PersistencePolicy)
Creates and saves a MetricSet using one of the supported structures. These can be NativeStructure, DataCube or CubePerspective.
Public methodGenerateMetricSet(Guid, Guid, IEnumerableString, PersistencePolicy)
Creates and saves a MetricSet using one of the supported structures. It allows specifying hints for the contained elements. These can be NativeStructure, DataCube or CubePerspective.
Public methodGenerateMetricSet(Guid, Guid, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString, PersistencePolicy)
Creates and saves a MetricSet using one of the supported structures. It allows specifying hints for the contained elements. These can be NativeStructure, DataCube or CubePerspective.
Public methodGenerateMetricSet(String, Guid, Guid, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString, IEnumerableString, PersistencePolicy)
Creates and saves a MetricSet using one of the supported structures. It allows specifying hints for the contained elements. These can be NativeStructure, DataCube or CubePerspective.
Public methodGet(Guid)
Gets an entity by its ID and revision number.
Public methodGet(Guid, EntityGetOptions)
Gets an entity by its ID and revision number.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(String, Guid)
Gets an entity by its name.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(Guid, Int64)
Gets an entity by its ID and revision number.
Public methodGet(Guid, Int64, EntityGetOptions)
Gets an entity by its ID and revision number.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(String, Guid, EntityGetOptions)
Gets an entity by its name.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(String, Guid, Int64)
Gets an entity by its name and revision number.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGet(String, Guid, Int64, EntityGetOptions)
Gets an entity by its name and revision number.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodGetFormulaMetricSetDependencies
Gets the formula metric set dependencies.
Public methodGetUndoContext
Gets the undo context.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodParseFormulaStatement
Parses the specified formula statement and identifies possible placeholder captions.
Public methodRemoveAllElements
Removes all the elements from the given metric set with the specified placement, then saves the metric set.
Public methodRemoveAllStates
Removes all states from the specified state group and saves the metric set.
Public methodRemoveCustomHierarchyGroup
Removes a custom group of hierarchy members.
Public methodRemoveElement
Removes the element from the given metric set and saves it.
Public methodRemoveStateGroup
Removes the state group and then saves the metric set.
Public methodRemoveTopBottomSettings
Removes the top / bottom settings and then saves the metric set.
Public methodReplaceAnalysisStructure
Replaces the analysis structure in the metric set.
Public methodReplaceElement(MetricSet, String, String)
Replace an existing metric set element with the another metric set element, or an underlying IAnalysisStructure analysis element.
Public methodReplaceElement(MetricSet, String, Guid, String, String)
Replaces the specified element with a new hierarchy level from a specified structure.
Public methodRestoreUndoFrame
Restores the entity to the undo frame.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodRewire
Rewires the specified entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodSave(MetricSet)
Saves the specified entity.
Public methodSave(T, String, Guid, EntityCreationOptions)
Saves the specified entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodSave(T, String, Guid, Boolean)
Saves the specified entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodSetupCustomHierarchyGroup
Configures a custom group of hierarchy members.
Public methodSetupOtherGroupSettings
Creates an "Other" group settings for the current instance, using the specified measure. Any previous settings are cleared.
Public methodSwitchTotalsCalculationRules
Switches the calculation axis for any defined totals calculation rule and saves the metric set.
Public methodTryRedo
Tries to redo the last change done to the entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodTryUndo
Tries to undo the last change done to the entity.
(Inherited from IEntityServiceT.)
Public methodUpdateFormulaMetricSet
Updates the statement for the specified measure element of a FormulaMetricSet, using the provided formula statement. New placeholders are generated using the elements of the dependent metric set usage objects. Existing placeholders are not modified, while placeholders with captions not found in the statement are removed.
See Also