JobEmailRecipients Enumeration

Specifies types of recipients which may get emailed about the result of a Job.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Scheduling
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
[GlobalizedEnumAttribute("EC04F56F-AAD2-4395-BCB3-35F5B1D0C8F1", "GS_")]
public enum JobEmailRecipients
  Member nameValueDescription
None0Specifies no recipient.
Maintainer1Specifies the maintainer as a recipient.
Creator2Specifies the creator of the job. See CreatedById.
RunnerOrCreator4 Specifies the account which started the job. If the job was started automatically by the system, specifies the creator of the job.
JobMaintainer8Specifies the maintainer of the job. See MaintainerId.
See Also