Dundas.BI.Scheduling Namespace

Public classJob
Represents a job managed by the application.
Public classJobAlreadyRunningException
The exception that is thrown when a job cannot be run because it is already running.
Public classJobQueryFilterRule
Represents a filter expression used when querying for jobs.
Public classJobRun
Represents a specific run of a Job.
Public classJobRunEvent
Represents an event associated with a job run.
Public classJobRunEventQueryFilterRule
Represents a filter expression used when querying for job run events.
Public classJobRunQueryFilterRule
Represents a filter expression used when querying for job runs.
Public classRunJobOptions
The options class used for running jobs.
Public classSchedule
The schedule definition.
Public classScheduleQueryFilterRule
Represents a filter expression used when querying for schedules.
Public classScheduleRule
Represents range and pattern of a Schedule.
Public classSchedulingConstants
Constants pertaining to functionality in the Dundas.BI.Scheduling namespace.
Public interfaceIJobService
Provides services for accessing and manipulating application jobs.
Public interfaceIScheduleService
Provides methods for getting and saving Schedule objects.
Public enumerationJobEmailRecipients
Specifies types of recipients which may get emailed about the result of a Job.
Public enumerationJobEventKind
Specifies the kinds of job events.
Public enumerationJobKind
Specifies kinds of system jobs.
Public enumerationJobQueryField
Properties that can be used to query for jobs.
Public enumerationJobRequestor
Specifies the requestor of a job.
Public enumerationJobRunEventQueryField
Properties that can be used to query for job run events.
Public enumerationJobRunQueryField
Properties that can be used to query for job runs.
Public enumerationJobRunResult
Specifies the result of a job run.
Public enumerationJobStatus
Specifies the status of an application job.
Public enumerationMonthlyPatternKind
Enumeration used in determining the type of monthly pattern in a Schedule.
Public enumerationNthSpecificDayOfMonth
Enumeration used in determining the ordinal of a weekday in Schedule monthly pattern. For example, second [Sunday] of a month.
Public enumerationPatternType
Enumeration used in determining the Schedule pattern type.
Public enumerationRecurrenceIntervalKind
Enumeration used for the units (minutes, hours) of intra-day recurrences.
Public enumerationRelatedJobsIncludeKinds
Specifies the include kind of related jobs when getting or running a job.
Public enumerationScheduleEndPolicy
Enumeration used in determining the Schedule end type.
Public enumerationScheduleQueryField
Properties that can be used to query for schedules.
Public enumerationScheduleStatus
Specifies the status of a Schedule.