JobQueryField Enumeration

Properties that can be used to query for jobs.

Namespace:  Dundas.BI.Scheduling
Assembly:  Dundas.BI.Core (in Dundas.BI.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum JobQueryField
  Member nameValueDescription
None0No schedule query fields specified.
Id1The Id property.
JobKind2The JobKind property.
TenantId3The TenantId property.
RelatedItemId4The RelatedItemId property.
Status5The Status property.
ModifiedTime6The ModifiedTime property.
CreatedById7The CreatedById property.
ScheduleStatus8The ScheduleStatus property.
LastRunTime9The StartTime property for the job's most recent job run.
LastRunResult10The Result property for the job's most recent job run.
Description11The computed job description.
NextRunTime12The NextRunTime property.
MaintainerId13The MaintainerId property.
See Also